A social media for buy/sell and offer services
- Onsen UI v2
- React JS
- Monaca structure
- Django framework
- Django REST framework
- Python 3.6
- Database: MySQL
For frontend
- Install NodeJs
- Check if you have npm installed, run:
npm --version
- Install monaca client, run:
npm install -g monaca
- In your console, go to GoMarket folder and run:
npm install
for install the dependencies - If everything run fine, just run:
monaca preview
for run the mobile app
For backend
- Install Python. (if you have linux, you probably already have python installed)
- Install dependencies with pip.
- Django framework
- Django rest framework
- MySQL Driver
- If you want to work with another database manager, you need to change the settings on GoMarketAPI/GoMarketAPI/settings.py file
- Corsheaders
- rest auth
- After install all, you need to have a database with the name of gomarket (or other name that you like, but you must need to change the configuration)
- then you need to run:
python manage.py migrate
for update the database - Finally run:
python manage.py runserver 8001
- Done!