An n-dimensional gradient descent algorithm
import pygradesc as gd
# Functions (or lambdas) take the form f(a1, a2, ..., an) -> an+1
# Constructor a 2D function f(x) -> y
fx = lambda x: x*x
# Constructor a 3D function f(x,y) -> z
fxy = lambda x, y: (x-1)**2+(y-2)**2
# Constructor a 4D function f(x,y,z) -> d
fxyz = lambda x, y, z: x**2+5*y+z
# Starting point
start = [-2, -6]
# Delta size (how far should we move towards our goal)
delta = 0.25
# Number of steps
steps = 1000
# Get a list of points for each step in the algorithm
points = gd.minimize(fxy, start, delta, steps)
# points[0] -> [-2.0, -6.0, 73.0 ]
# points[1] -> [-1.83.., -5.82.., 69.21.. ]
# ..
# points[999] -> [ 0.99.., 1.99.., 2.47..e-31]