Install as a user without sudo. This installs it in ~/.local/bin/ make sure this path is in your $PATH.
python3 -m pip install --user -U dobackup
If not found, add the following to your .bashrc or .zshrc
# Add to PATH to Install and run programs with "pip install --user"
export PATH=$PATH:~/.local/bin
Store the api access token in .token file by running '--init' and providing the token string.
dobackup --init
# Paste the digitalocean token string, press enter
# If you have multiple accounts, paste each- press enter, so on
# When done, just press enter to submit an empty string
# The sequence of these tokens (0,1,2) will be later used to "use" the tokens
To use one of the stored tokens, specify it's index after "dobackup ",
dobackup 0 # 0 is implicit
dobackup 1 # will use token 1
dobackup 2 # will use token 2
Display Information about droplets and snapshots using --list commands. Examples
dobackup --list-droplets
dobackup --list-snaps
dobackup --list-backups # snaps created using this tool
dobakcup --list-older_than 7 # lists backup taken by dobackup that are older than 7 days
dobackup --list-tags
dobackup --list-tagged # list tagged servers with the tag 'dobackup'
Use tags to backup multiple servers at ones. Use existing tags or create new. Default tag is 'dobackup' . To tag a server with a 'dobakup' tag.
dobackup --tag-server ubuntu-18-04 # '--tag-name dobackup' is implicit
To tag a server with 'web-servers' tag.
dobackup --tag-server ubuntu-18-04 --tag-name web-servers
NOTE: In 2.0, --'tag-name'-- is appended to the backup name, instead of hardcoded str '--dobackup--'. The default value of tag_name is still 'dobackup'. Now we can use --tag-name along with --list-backups, --list-older-than, --delete-older-than. Now we can keep the backups of droplets with lets say 'tag1' for 5 days and 'tag2' for 10 days. example command. "--delete-older-than 5 --tag-name 'tag1'" , "--delete-older-than 10 --tag-name 'tag2'"
To backup a server using it's name or id.
dobackup --backup ubuntu-18-04
dobackup --backup 1929129
dobackup --live-backup ubuntu-18-04 # live backup, backup without shutting down the vm
dobackup --backup ubuntu-18-04 --keep # this won't be deleted with '--delete-older-than'
To backup all servers that have a given tag.
dobackup --backup-all # --tag-name dobackup is implicit
dobackup --backup-all --tag-name web-servers
To set a cron job, to backup all 'tagged' servers and auto delete old backups, if backups were successful
0 1 * * * ~/.local/bin/dobackup --backup-all && ~/.local/bin/dobackup --delete-older-than 7
Using amazing utility healthchecks. to get notified if an error occurred during the process.
0 1 * * * ~/.local/bin/dobackup --backup-all && ~/.local/bin/dobackup --delete-older-than 7 && wget -O/dev/null
To restore a server using it's name or id and snapshot's name or id
dobackup --restore-droplet ubuntu-18-04 --restore-to "ubuntu-18-04--dobackup--2018-06-01 14:36:07"
To delete a specific snapshot.
dobackup --delete-snap "ubuntu-1gb-sgp1-01--dobackup--2018-05-31 17:43:11" # put snap name or id
dobackup --delete-snap "111111111,222222222,3333333333" # comma seperated multiple ids or names
To delete all old backups taken with dobackup.
# delete snapshots older than 14 days with '--dobackup--' in their names
# WILL NOT delete snapshots with '--dobackup-keep--' in their names
dobackup --delete-older-than 14
usage: dobackup [-h] [-v] [--init] [-l] [--list-backups] [-s] [--list-tagged]
[--list-tags] [--list-older-than LIST_OLDER_THAN]
[--backup BACKUP] [--backup-all] [--live-backup LIVE_BACKUP]
[--live-backup-all] [--tag-droplet TAG_DROPLET]
[--untag-droplet UNTAG_DROPLET] [--tag-name TAG_NAME]
[--delete-older-than DELETE_OLDER_THAN]
[--delete-snap DELETE_SNAP] [--shutdown SHUTDOWN]
[--powerup POWERUP] [--restore-droplet RESTORE_DROP]
[--restore-to RESTORE_TO] [--keep]
Automated Offline Or Live Snapshots Of Digitalocean Droplets
positional arguments:
token_id Specify token number to be used, default=0, supply
only if you have multiple Digitalocean accounts
optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
-v, -V, --version show programs version number and exit
--init Save token to .token file
--tag-name TAG_NAME To be used with "--list-tags", "--tag-droplet" and "--
backup-all", default value is "dobackup"
--keep To keep backups for long term. "--delete-older-than"
wont delete these. To be used with "--backup","--
Informational Args:
Arguments That Display Information
-l, --list-droplets List all droplets
--list-backups List all snapshots with "dobackup" in their name
-s, --list-snaps List all snapshots
--list-tagged List droplets using "--tag-name"
--list-tags List all used tags
--list-older-than LIST_OLDER_THAN
List snaps older than, in days
Backup Args:
Arguments That Backup Or Restore Droplets
--backup BACKUP Shutdown, Backup (snapshot), Then Restart the droplet
with given name or id
--backup-all Shutdown, Backup (snapshot), Then Restart all droplets
with the given "--tag-name"
--live-backup LIVE_BACKUP
Backup (snapshot), the droplet with given name or id,
without shutting it down
--live-backup-all Backup (snapshot), all droplets with the given "--tag-
name", without shutting them down
--restore-droplet RESTORE_DROP
Restore, the droplet with given name or id
--restore-to RESTORE_TO
Snapshot id or name, to restore the droplet to
Action Args:
Arguments That Perform Actions
--tag-droplet TAG_DROPLET
Add tag to the provided droplet name or id
--untag-droplet UNTAG_DROPLET
Remove tag from the provided droplet name or id
--delete-older-than DELETE_OLDER_THAN
Delete backups older than, in days
--delete-snap DELETE_SNAP
Snapshot(s) by name or id. e.g --delete-snap 111111 or
--delete-snap '111111,222222,333333'
--shutdown SHUTDOWN Shutdown, the droplet with given name or id
--powerup POWERUP Powerup, the droplet with given name or id