Online automated art gallery based on your search input.
There is now a functional alpha version currently being hosted at
This program is based on two programs. A python web scraper, that gets the images of your favorite artist from, and a webGL/ThreeJs application that dynamically makes your own art gallery.
#Current Release ##v0.1-alpha.2
The following has been implemented:
Menu for pause screen and rendering pause
Ray Cast selection of individual paintings
Player object collision against walls and other objects
Imported 3D objects successfully loaded
#Next Release ##v0.1-alpha.3
The implementations (in order of priority) for the next release will be:
Sub-menu for controls and credits sections
Allow control re-mapping and sensitivity adjustment
Import "missing" 3D elements for sample scene (Molding, lights, frames)
App structure is as follows:
---> gallery application menu
---> enter scene --> painting selection ---> displays information on painting
---> search input for different artists ---> new gallery application