IoT device that sends text message alert when laundry cycle is complete.
Two versions of the program are shown here. The first (Laundry_Alert.c) is a working version using the CC3220SF board and the Temboo/Twilio SMS API for the full IoT text alert functionality. The second (Laundry_Alert.ino) is a basic version using Energia, the TM4C123 board, and the blink_green function in place of send_sms while I'm working out a compatibility issue with the Temboo/Twilio API.
This program is timed to my washer/dryer express cycle. You should adjust MAX_WAIT and VIBRATION_SENSITIVITY as applicable for your own machine.
Download Energia IDE:
Open Energia. Click Tools, Board, Boards Manager.
Find Energia Tiva C Boards. Click Install.
Plug in TI TM4C123 Launchpad to USB Port.
Open Device Manager (Windows)
Expand “Ports” (COM & LPT).
- Make note of the port number for Stellaris Virtual Serial Port (On mine, it is COM6).
Return to the Energia Window
Click Tools, Board.
Select Launchpad (TIVA C) w/ tm4c123 (80mhz).
Ensure the correct port is selected under Tools/Port (Found in previous step).
- Within Energia Folder, save source code file (.ino) in a directory with the same name as the file. For example, my file path is C:…\Documents\Energia\Laundry_Alert\Laundry_Alert.ino
- Ensure that the Launchpad is not connected to power.
- Insert the SW-420 Vibration Sensor into the breadboard, connect DO to PB_0, VCC to 3.3V, and ground to ground on the breadboard.
- Insert LEDs with 470 Ohm resistors connected to the anodes, and cathodes to ground on the breadboard. Connect red LED to PB_1 and green LED to PB_2.
- Connect ground rail on breadboard to GND on Launchpad.
- Insert USB cable from Launchpad to computer.
- Open the source code file.
- Click on the “verify” check mark in the upper left corner of the Energia window, to compile the code.
- Click on the “upload” arrow next to the check mark to flash the code to the Launchpad.
- After flashing the program to the board, it is now running on your Launchpad.
- Remove USB from the COM Port on the computer.
- When ready to use, simply place the Launchpad and circuit on top of the washer or dryer and connect to the 5V portable USB battery pack.
- The program is now running and will flash green to signify the end of the wash/dry cycle.