my themes ── polybar ──
This simple yet effective technique lets you track the files you care about and it doesn't require any tools other than git. The files will be kept at their intended location, without the need to create symlinks or copies.
Files are added to the repository by calling dots add $HOME/.config/file
and when
issuing git status
- only changes to files explicitly added will be shown.
To get a list of files not tracked by git, use dots untracked
or dots untracked-at $HOME/path/to/foo/bar
to only show files in a specific subdirectory.
Dead simple!
alias dots='git --git-dir=$HOME/.dots.git/ --work-tree=$HOME'
git init --bare $HOME/.dots.git
dots remote add origin
dots config status.showUntrackedFiles no
# Useful aliases
dots config alias.untracked "status -u ."
dots config alias.untracked-at "status -u"
# Use the dots alias like you would use the git command
dots status
dots add --update ...
dots commit -m "..."
dots push
# Listing files (not tracked by git)
dots untracked
dots status -u .config/
# Listing files (tracked by git)
dots ls-files
dots ls-files .config/polybar/
git clone --recursive --separate-git-dir=$HOME/.dots.git /tmp/dots
rsync -rvl --exclude ".git" /tmp/dots/ $HOME/
rm -r /tmp/dots
dots submodule update --init --recursive $HOME/