builds python lambda functions without Amazon Linux EC2 instance
- Directions:
- Build container
make build
- Create directory called
in your lambda repo with the following files:
- Build container
$ tree lambda/
├── Pipfile
├── Pipfile.lock
- Run container `make run`
- Upload lambda `aws lambda --profile sandbox update-function-code --function-name python_test --zip-file fileb://lambda/`
- Build Container:
make docker-build
- Run Container:
make docker-run
- Expects
folder in current directory
- Expects
- Build and Run Container:
make docker-up
- Expects
folder in current directory
- Expects
- Stop Container:
make docker-stop
- Remove Container:
make docker-remove
- Stop and Remove Container:
make docker-destroy
- Debug Container:
make docker-debug
- Set up and test SAM local lambda development
- testing?
- create/reference image
- add semantic numbering to versions