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An opinionated demo project for python

Repository layout

The layout is the following:

├── my_devops_package
│   ├──
│   ├──
│   ├──
│   ├──
│   ├── utils
│   │   ├──
│   │   └──
│   └── data
│       └── data.json
├── tests
│   ├──
│   └──
└── Makefile

Here are some explanations:

  • devops_package and my_other_package are the names of the modules contained in the package. The name of the package is the identifier of the package in the indexes (see below the introduction to pip). The name of the modules is the identifier used in an import statement. Usually, there is only one module in the package, and the name of the module matches the name of the package, except for dashes and underscores: packages are usually named with dashes - whereas modules are named with underscores _;
  • tests contain the tests of the package;
  • CHANGELOG lists the modifications made between the releases (versions);
  • LICENSE contains the license of the code (who is allowed to do what);
  • lists the files to be included (or excluded) in the source distribution (see the syntax);
  • setup.cfg describes the package. It includes the metadata (name, version, author, etc.), the dependencies (other python modules), and some options for the tools involved in the development process (see more in the documentation);
  • is the script, relying on setuptools, responsible for packaging and/or building the package;
  • Makefile, associated with the software make, calls various commands during the build process.


Initialization of the environment

External tools

Make sure the following tools are available on your computer:

  • make, a tool which controls the development workflow;
  • pip, the package installer for Python;
  • pew, a virtual environment manager for Python;
  • pre-commit, a framework for managing (git) pre-commit hooks.

On Debian, you can install those dependencies with:

sudo apt-get install make python3-pip
pip3 install --user pip
pip3 install --user pew pre-commit

The python package manager

pip is the package installer for Python. pip is the preferred way to install packages from the Python Package Index and other indexes.

Some common commands are:

  • pip3 install <some_package>
  • pip3 install --upgrade <some_package>
  • pip3 uninstall <some_package>
  • pip3 list

Virtual environments: a quick introduction

When working on different projects, it may happen that two of these projects depend on different versions of some library: project A depends on some-lib, version 1.2, whereas project B depends on some-lib version 2.3.

At the versions suggests, those two versions are incompatible (a breaking change was introduced in version 2). A virtual environment is a way of avoiding installing and uninstalling the library continuously, depending on the project you're working on.

A virtual environment (venv) is a dedicated space in the (global) tree file structure, where dependencies can be installed safely without interfering with other (virtual) environments. Hence, working on project A and B can be done at the same time, and it is highly recommended to work with virtual environments.

Several venv manager exists. Among them, pew is easy to use:

  • pew ls lists the existing venvs;
  • pew new <my_name> creates a new venv;
  • pew rm <my_name> removes an existing venv (delete the files);
  • pew workon <my_name> "activates" the venv, that is, allows one to work within the venv; commands like pip will install the dependencies in that particular environment;
  • pew in <my_name> <some_command> runs <some_command> in the venv without activating it.

For further information, read the documentation.

In the following documentation, working inside a virtual environment is indicated with:

(venv) $ run-some-command

Bootstrap the project

In order to boostrap the project (i.e. to get everything in order to work ), simply run make bootstrap:

  • if you are in a previously created venv, it will install all the dependencies, including development-dependencies (which are required for the development process but not for the runtime, like tests and packaging libraries);
  • otherwise, it will suggest to create a new venv whose name is based on the current path. Once created, run make bootstrap a second time.


During the development process, you must always work within the venv.

Dependencies management

It is high likely that the project depends on several external libraries, called dependencies. Those are stored in setup.cfg:

  • runtime dependencies are listed under install_requires in the [options] section; those are dependencies that must be present on the target system (where the package will be used) to work properly;
  • additional development dependencies (tests, packaging, etc.) are listed under dev= in the [options.extras_require], and installed alongside required dependencies by specifying the [dev] extra marker.

To install the dependencies, either run make bootstrap, or pip install -e ., or pip install -e .[dev].

Avoid installing dependencies directly with pip install <some_deps>: the synchronisation with setup.cfg is not automatic.

Quality checks

make quality, which run a few checks, should be run on a regular basis.

Releasing a new version

When the new functionality is ready, and the code clean, it's time to create a new release. zest is in charge of the process:

  • make sure your code is in clean state;
  • fill the CHANGELOG file, if not already done;
  • run make release (this will trigger zest), and follow the instructions.

zest will take care of creating the git tag, updating the version in setup.cfg as well as the changelog.


There are two common way of packaging a Python project:

  • a source distribution, which should contain everything needed to recreate the project (the source, the tests, etc.). Roughly speaking, it contains the same files as the git project;
  • a binary ("wheel") distribution, containing the "runtime" code and some metadata (the version, the dependencies), but not the tests (for instance).

Run make package to create both distributions.

Coding and naming conventions

The conventions of Python are gathered in the PEP 8. The package pycodestyle verifies compliance with these conventions by the code.


Linters are static analysis softwares, which can detect a number of errors in the code, before the execution, and thus makes it possible to measure the quality.

A popular linter for Python is pylint. The pre-commit configuration enforces their use. The problems identified by these software must be corrected, except when there is a (really) relevant argument against them.


The package pydocstyle, pylint and other python conventions can be checked automatically thanks to pre-commit. This tool adds a git-hook in the repository, called automatically before each commit operation. The hook executes instructions listed in a .pre-commit-config.yaml file, provided by the developper (see this example), and put at the root-level of the git directory. When run, the tool will mark all lines that are not rule-compliant and outline the reason and the source of the problem.

To install pre-commit (for your user), run

    $ pip3 install --user pre-commit

In order to create the hook, the following command must be run in the git repository. The clone operation will download .pre-commit-config.yaml if it exists, but will not create the hook.

    $ pre-commit install

Once installed, to call the tool manually (rather than relying on the "hook" aspect), you can use

    $ pre-commit run --files <file1> <file2> ...
    $ pre-commit run --all-files

Unit tests

Unit tests are typically automated tests run to ensure that a section of an application meets its design and behaves as intended. To run the tests manually, execute

(venv) $ pytest

For further information on the unit tests one can use the commands:

(venv) $ pytest -v
(venv) $ pytest -vv

The unit tests are saved in a seperate folder /tests containing all tests and test documents.


Jupyter is a working environment to develop in "notebook" mode (like matlab). This is mostly convenient for "algorithms" development, for instance where commands must be frequently re-run with different parameter values. It is not appropriate for the development of a package meant to run as a service or a command-line tool. In this mode of operation, we interact with the jupyter server via a web browser.

Installation of Jupyter

(venv) $ pip3 install jupyter jupyter_contrib_nbextensions

Some packages commonly used with Jupyter are:

  • numpy, scipy, pandas (numerical tools)
  • plotly, matplotlib (graphical libraries)
  • psycopg2-binary (database connector)
  • peewee (ORM database)
  • shapely (manipulation of geometric objects: lines, segments, polygons)
  • pyproj (map projections conversion)
  • autopep8 (automatic formatting)
  • colorlover (color bank for visualization)

Installation of jupyter extensions

It is possible to add Jupyter extensions with the module nbextension:

(venv) $ jupyter contrib nbextension install --user
(venv) $ jupyter nbextensions_configurator enable
(venv) $ jupyter nbextension enable <extension>

Extension examples:

  • codefolding/main (hides some of the code to make the page lighter)
  • code_prettify/autopep8 (formatting following pep8)
  • execute_time/ExecuteTime (display of execution time)

Launching the application

(venv) $ jupyter notebook
(venv) $ jupyter notebook --no-browser

In both cases, these commands provide a URL to access the service. In the first case, a browser is launched (desirable in the local case), in the second case it is not (desirable in the remote case).

URL example: http://localhost:8888/?token=7c35e29aacf2019572b4c526496bfa21b8b0218fd9206d66.

Remote access

By default, Jupyter only allows local connections (with a client on the server). To access it from a remote station, the procedure is as follows.

Creation of a configuration file

(venv) $ jupyter notebook --generate-config

This command creates ~/.jupyter/

Modification of the default configuration

To allow access to the service from any extension, you must change the c.NotebookApp.ip parameter configuration file (by default, it is present but commented), and put either '*', or '<server address>'. Two examples:

c.NotebookApp.ip = '*'

Depending on the case, the server address in the proposed URL to connect to the service may require modification.

Changing the notebook size

To increase the width of the notebook in the window, create the file ~/.jupyter/custom/custom.css with the content:

.container {
    width: 99% !important;
div.cell.selected {
    border-left-width: 1px !important;
div.output_scroll {
    resize: vertical !important;


An opinionated demo project for python







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