- Joe can't mention ATT or Apple this entire episode
- e3
- kinect
- 3d DS
- fusion!
drink: dark and stormies
- 10.7 (nothing... crap)
- iPhone
- 520-day simulated mission to Mars underway in Russia
- 114000 iPad 3G users have email addresses compromised ** http://www.dailytech.com/ATT+Accidentally+Shares+114000+iPad+3G+Buyers+Email+Addresses/article18670.htm
drink: Rodenbach Grand Cru?
- ATT tethering & new data plan
- New iPhone announcement (which if you're watching this it means we already know about it)
- http://developer.apple.com/wwdc/
- macminis
- http://twitter.com/bpglobalpr
- The most dangerous intersection in SF:
- gowalla & foursquare
- http://techcrunch.com/2010/06/02/location-turf-wars/
drink: Jagerbombs! 1/2 can - Red Bull® energy drink 2 oz - Jagermeister®
The one where Joe and Eric talk about Google
drink: White Russians 2 oz - vodka 1 oz - coffee liqueur light cream
drink: John Collins 2 oz - bourbon whiskey 1 oz - lemon juice 1 tsp - superfine sugar 3 oz - club soda 1 - maraschino cherry 1 - slice orange
drink: Screw drivers