Computer Scientist & Mathematician.
GitHub Campus Expert.
Microsoft Learn Student Ambassador.
λ Club Community Leader.
Facultad de Ciencias @ UNAM.
CDMX, Mexico.
Hello there, I'm Juan Pablo Yamamoto. I am a Computer Science student and Mathematics student, with a particular interest in logic and functional programming.
I'm always up for meeting people, so if you're in any of the following situations:
- You love technology and science.
- You're interested in being part of a tech community.
- You think I can help you with something.
- You want to offer me an internship.
- You would like to invite me to attend to/speak at an event.
- You suspect I might be an interesting guy to chat with.
feel free to reach out to me on my socials.
- Git & GitHub: Zero to Hero.
- The Lazy Programmer's Guide to Bulletproof Code
- Haskell Intermedio
- Brainfuck Interpreter: Haskell.
- Smallfuck Interpreter: WebAssembly, Preact.
- Ultrasonic Tardis: Python, Pygame, Raspberry Pi.
- Game of Life: Python, Kivi Framework.
- Game of Life: Elixir, Phoenix LiveView.
- Game of Life: C++, SDL2.
- Cloud Coverage Index: Python, OpenCV, Numpy.
- Shamir's Secret Sharing Scheme: Python, pycrypto.
- Sudoku Solver: C, Backtracking.
- Data Structures Course: Java, OOP.
- Discrete Structures Course: Haskell, Functional Programming.
- RPSLS: Python, Markov Chains.
- Advent of Code 2018: Elixir.
- Advent of Code 2019: TypeScript.
- Concurrent WebService: Elixir, API.
- PlasmaCMS: Python, Django.
- Web Boilerplate: Webpack, Tailwind CSS.
- Google Phishing: HTML, CSS, Materialize CSS.
- Co-founder
- λ Club is a community, that aims to connect students with the industry while creating a space to share the knowledge and grow our technical and soft skills.
- Currently operating online (Join our Discord server!), eventually across several locations in CDMX.
- Currently in the Beta Milestone.
- Organizer in: