Ctags management for projects
You obviously noticed ctags in the plugin name, so no surprise, it requires exuberant-ctags so you need it to be installed ;)
I'm sure you'll prefer to install it w/ your fav VIm plugin manager (i.e. Plug)
Plug 'jrmbrgs/vim-projects-ctags'
Help it to know your projects
" Define your projects list
let g:projectNameList = ['slingshot', 'turbo',]
" Define the target ctags file which will be stored at the current project root dir
let g:tagFile = '.tags'
" Define and customize your ctag cmd line according to the languages you want to support
let g:ctagsLang = {
\ 'php' : '/usr/local/bin/ctags -R --languages=PHP --file-scope=no --exclude=.git --recurse=yes --exclude=vendor --totals=yes --PHP-kinds=+ncf',
" Map the ctags generation
map <Leader>pt :call projectsCtags#GenCtags()<cr>