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Notification Icon Settings

Jim Roal edited this page Jan 26, 2019 · 9 revisions

Android significantly changed how notifications work starting with Android 7. The user can now manage much more about notifications. Starting in Android 8, the settings gave far more flexibility.

Like most users I prefer to have the background service run silently and minimized which means no notification icon will show unless you pull down the notification shade. When a device or devices are connected, then I like the icon to show. Starting with Android 8 you can now configure this behavior as there are 2 notification channels: background and foreground. The background channel is used when no devices are connected. The foreground channel is used when devices are connected. Below walks through setting this up on a Pixel 2 with Android 9. Click where the red arrows point. Start with no devices connected so you are setting up the background notification channel.

Start by pulling down the notification shade (slide down from the top of the screen).

Click the "Manage Notifications" at the bottom of the notification shade.

Now stop and then restart the service in A2DP Volume to update the notification using the new settings. That will do it.

Note: If you completely disable a notification the service will likely be killed and the app will no longer function at times.

Basic settings for notifications can be accessed by sliding the notification slowly to the right on the A2DP Volume notification until you see the gear. Then click on the gear.

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