PushLAN helps you share a folder with other devices in LAN.
This software is usefull when you want to share some files but a don't have a access to a usb flash drive, or when using a usb flash drive is not feasible. BTW transfering / sharing files with this software is usually way quicker than with a usb flash drive. If your devices have high speed storages (SSD, NVME, UFS, etc...) and high speed network (gigabit, 5GHz WLAN, etc) you may theorically reach 1Gbps of transfer speeds.
- Download the appropriate release of pushlan for your Operative System.
- Run PushLAN in your desktop / laptop
- Select Shared Folder and Start Sharing
- Give network permissions if asked (windows)
Pull requests are welcome. For major changes, please open an issue first to discuss what you would like to change.
PS: This project is in need of good tests because its was made in a hurry, so feel free to write them.
npm run build
// or if you haven't installed any package since last build
npm run build:quick
GitHub will release PushLAN every time you push a commit to master with a new tag version.
When you want to create a new release, follow these steps (if you're the owner or authorized by the owner):
Update the version in your project's package.json file (e.g. 1.2.3)
Tag your commit (git tag v1.2.3). Make sure your tag name's format is v*.*.*. Your workflow will use this tag to detect when to create a release
Push your changes to GitHub (git push && git push --tags)
App icon: PushLAN Icon from 'morningtrain'