Quickly spin up HA Kubernetes and EKS stacks using AWS Cloudformation and Ansible.
The base networking environment consists of a VPC with IPv4 and IPv6 addressing for subnets across three availability zones. The IPv4 network cidr is configurable and the IPv6 cidr is dynamically assigned by AWS. Private subnets with a NAT gateway per availability zone can optionally be created. Security groups and IAM roles used by Kubernetes and EKS are also deployed as part of the base networking environment.
User -> NLB -> 3 master/etcd nodes -> 3 worker nodes
User -> AWS managed control plane -> 3 worker nodes
Install ansible.
brew install ansible
Install the awscli.
brew install awscli
Configure awscli credentials.
aws configure
Check to make sure you can authenticate to the AWS apis and you're in the right account.
aws sts get-caller-identity
Create a local-config.mk
file in the base directory to override the required make parameters.
$ make
make <target>
Manage base stacks.
test_base Test base stack.
deploy_base Deploy the base stack.
teardown_base Teardown the base stack.
Manage k8s environments.
test_k8s Test k8s stack.
deploy_k8s Deploy the k8s stack.
teardown_k8s Teardown the k8s stack.
Manage eks environments.
test_eks Test eks stack.
deploy_eks Deploy the eks stack.
teardown_eks Teardown the eks stack.
help Type make followed by target you wish to run.
Launch the supporting AWS network (VPC) and security resources (IAM, SGs).
make deploy_base NAME=sabo-demo
Launch the compute infrastructure for Kubernetes master and worker nodes.
make deploy_k8s NAME=sabo-demo-k8s
Let's install the Kubernetes software on the compute infrastructure we just launched.
Refer to the kubespray docs for configuration
export REGION=us-east-1
export VPC_VISIBILITY=public
ansible-playbook -i inventory/kubespray-aws-inventory.py \
--user ubuntu \
--become \
--become-user=root \
ansible kube-master -i inventory/kubespray-aws-inventory.py \
--user ubuntu \
--become \
--become-user=root \
-m shell -a "kubectl --kubeconfig /etc/kubernetes/admin.conf get nodes"
Launch an AWS managed Kubernetes control plane and fully configured worker nodes.
make deploy_eks NAME=sabo-demo-eks
If we want to start over with fresh compute resources we can quickly teardown the Kubernetes stacks while leaving the base networking environment alone. When we're done and want to clean everything up we can tear it all down, including the base networking environment.
make teardown_k8s NAME=sabo-demo-k8s
make teardown_eks NAME=sabo-demo-eks
make teardown_base NAME=sabo-demo