I'm application developer (fullstack) @ IBM and a undergraduate in Eletronics Engineering in UNB-FGA
I'm currently getting better in React/Node
- 🇧🇷 Portuguese is my native language, and I'm very advanced in English too!
- ⚡ Learning Functional Programming
Discover-Cep - React + NodeJS with TypeScript. With CI pipeline and tests in backend and CI/CD in front-end
Conecta-Ensina - React Native and NodeJS.
Conecta-UNB - ReactJS + NodeJS app with CI/CD in backend.
Educalis - React web-app.
WarFGA, Run-away, Job-Schedule, Max-Profix, Armazem, Find-Treasures - Python advanced algorithms. In order - Graphs, Graphs, Greed, Divide and Conquer, Dynamic Programming and multiple of them.
Books I've read - Contains programming exercises and my reviews from books I've read.
Javascript TDD - Learning test driven development with javascript.