This is a growing collection of random things that I've picked up over time and don't want to forget. There is no organisation or coherence to it all. It's just a list. It's messy. But it's mine :) More recently I've been collecting these in Notion because it's easier to manage.
- rails console -- --nomultiline
- printenv
- ~/.irbrc
- irb measure -
- rspec –only-failures
- the difference between transform & resolve. transform can happen with nothing more than input -> output. but rest
- set VSCODE as git editor: git config --global core.editor "code --wait"
SELECT object_id, index_id, COUNT(*) OVER ()
FROM [msdb].sys.indexes;
use result of last command $(!!)
- bundle show gemname. results in # /path/to/gem
- code $(!!) opens /path/to/gem in vscode
If chrome basic auth is sticking (no prompt) run this
touch ~/.gitattributes
*.rb diff=ruby *.rake diff=ruby
OODA - for problem solving
- observe
- orient
- decide
- act
ls*/log/**log | xargs rm
select * from generate_series(
'1 DAY'
- rails db - shortcut for database specific cli:
- heroku pg:upgrade - not as scary as i thought!
- grep —context=8 "search" file.txt
- Give localhost network alias so that docker container can connect
- sudo ifconfig lo0 alias
- create an file
- z shell navigation "autocomplete" but better!
- all about bash scripts. too much to list. will need to revisit this regularly.
command. basic calculator. pipe calculator expressions to do basic mathecho "12+5" | bc
- fish shell, create abbreviation:
abbr gp git pull
- now
is alias togit pull
copy command line torails stats
- speed up rubocop
- SQL: ceil(random() * 3) is better than round(random() * 3) because distribution is more even
WITH daterangeAS (
FROM generate_series(
'2021-01-01'::timestamptz,-- start'2021-01-02'::timestamptz,-- stopinterval '1 hour'-- step )WITHORDINALITYAS t(hh, n)
)SELECT *FROM daterange;
postgresql equivalent of mysql's "insert ignore"
- insert into table (column) values ('value') on conflict do nothing.
Rails wildcard routes can contain multiple parameters. I'm not sure why this wasnt' obvious to me before? I guess I've only ever used one at a time.
which -a executable : will show all options, not just the first
console.log({width}) is equivalent to console.log('width', width)
"Weeks of coding can save you hours of planning"
Rails render collection
Hash.invert - takes a hash and returns a new hash with keys as values and values as keys
- { a: 1 }.invert → { 1: a }
# does what it says. creates a helper method from a method in the application_controller def current_user @current_user ||= User.find(cookies.signed[:user_id]) end helper_method :current_user
Cmd-K on github
ssl rails server →
“show data_directory” - postgres/psql
http://localhost:3000/rails/info/routes show rails routes in browser
fix postgres serial sequence when it goes out of date
- SELECT nextval('discounts_id_seq'); # check existing sequence
- SELECT SETVAL('public."discounts_id_seq"', COALESCE(MAX(id), 1)) FROM public."discounts";
how to edit directly in github
how to fake git commit date