Robo Advisor Project for NYU
Fork the robo-advior repo from then clone or download locally
Create a local repository with the name robo-advisor then navigate to this using the command line
cd ~/Desktop/robo-advisor
Create a file named requirements.txt and place the following contents inside
Create and activate a new virtual enviornment
conda create -n stocks-env Python=3.7
conda activate stocks-env
From within the virtual environment install packages outlines in requirements.txt
pip install -r requirements.txt
Register for API key from Alpha Vantage service and place the specific API key in a file named .env
Add .env to the .gitignore file
Seperately create a data directory with another .gitignore file excluding all files within using "*"
Run the program from the command line
Follow the prompts to enter a stock symbol and enjoy the investing recommendation and data!