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A technical computing tool.


The library was inspired by Octave. Catool is a computing toolbox written in c++.
Catool provide an easy-used technical computing c++ environment.
Cuda or opencl acceleration will be added in latter versions.


These compilers which have been tested are shown in the following list.

  • Visual C++ 2015 on Windows (32/64-bit)
  • Mingw 4.9.2 on Windows (32-bit)



This simple example is 'hello world'.

int main()
    catool::main_toolbox::disp("hello world!");
    return 0;

Create a array

int main()
    catool::main_toolbox::Array<int> intArry=ones<int>(100);
    return 0;

Function index


Array and matrix

zeros Create array of all zeros
ones Create array of all ones
rand Uniformly distributed random numbers
true Logical 1 (true)
false Logical 0 (false)
eye Identity matrix
diag Create diagonal matrix or get diagonal elements of matrix
blkdiag Construct block diagonal matrix from input arguments
cat Concatenate arrays along specified dimension
horzcat Concatenate arrays horizontally
vertcat Concatenate arrays vertically

linspace Generate linearly spaced vector
logspace Generate logarithmically spaced vector
meshgrid 2-D and 3-D grids

length Length of largest array dimension
size Array size
ndims Number of array dimensions
numel Number of array elements
isscalar Determine whether input is scalar
isvector Determine whether input is vector
ismatrix Determine whether input is matrix
isrow Determine whether input is row vector
iscolumn Determine whether input is column vector
isempty Determine whether array is empty

sort Sort array elements
flip Flip order of elements
fliplr Flip array left to right
flipud Flip array up to down
rot90 Rotate array 90 degrees
transpose Transpose vector or matrix
ctranspose Complex conjugate transpose
reshape Reshape array squeeze Remove singleton dimensions

Elementary Math


plus Addition
uplus Unary plus
minus Subtraction
uminus Unary minus
times Element-wise multiplication
rdivide Right array division
ldivide Left array division
power Element-wise power
mtimes Matrix Multiplication

cumprod Cumulative product
cumsum Cumulative sum
diff Differences and Approximate Derivatives
movsum Moving sum
prod Product of array elements
sum Sum of array elements

ceil Round toward positive infinity
fix Round toward zero
floor Round toward negative infinity
mod Remainder after division (modulo operation)
rem Remainder after division
round Round to nearest decimal or integer


sin Sine of argument in radians
sind Sine of argument in degrees
asin Inverse sine in radians
asind Inverse sine in degrees
sinh Hyperbolic sine of argument in radians
asinh Inverse hyperbolic sine

cos Cosine of argument in radians
cosd Cosine of argument in degrees
acos Inverse cosine in radians
acosd Inverse cosine in degrees
cosh Hyperbolic cosine
acosh Inverse hyperbolic cosine

tan Tangent of argument in radians
tand Tangent of argument in degrees
atan Inverse tangent in radians
atand Inverse tangent in degrees
atan2 Four-quadrant inverse tangent
atan2d Four-quadrant inverse tangent in degrees
tanh Hyperbolic tangent
atanh Inverse hyperbolic tangent

Exp and Log

exp Exponential
log Natural logarithm
log10 Common logarithm (base 10)
log2 Base 2 logarithm and dissect floating-point numbers into exponent and mantissa
sqrt Square root

Complex Numbers

abs Absolute value and complex magnitude
angle Phase angle
conj Complex conjugate
sign Sign function (signum function)

Discrete Math

gcd Greatest common divisor
lcm Least common multiple
rat Rational fraction approximation
rats Rational output


Inf Infinity
pi Ratio of circle's circumference to its diameter
natural constant
euler constant
NaN Not-a-Number
isfinite Array elements that are finite
isinf Array elements that are infinite
isnan Array elements that are NaN

Linear Algebra

mldivide Solve systems of linear equations Ax = B for x
mrdivide Solve systems of linear equations xA = B for x
inv Matrix inverse
pinv Moore-Penrose pseudoinverse of matrix

lu LU matrix factorization

transpose Transpose vector or matrix
ctranspose Complex conjugate transpose
mtimes Matrix Multiplication
mpower Matrix power

rank Rank of matrix
trace Sum of diagonal elements

Random Number Generation

rand Uniformly distributed random numbers
randn Normally distributed random numbers
randi Uniformly distributed pseudorandom integers

rng Control random number generation


Attension: this function needs GnuPlot interface.

Data Import and Analysis

Workspace Variables and MAT-Files

load Load variables from file into workspace

Data Import and Export

audioread Read audio file
audiowrite Write audio file

imwrite Write image to graphics file

Descriptive Statistics

min Smallest elements in array
max Largest elements in array
bounds Smallest and largest elements
mean Average or mean value of array
median Median value of array

Sparse Matrices

spalloc Allocate space for sparse matrix
spdiags Extract and create sparse band and diagonal matrices coming
speye Sparse identity matrix
sprand Sparse uniformly distributed random matrix coming
sprandn Sparse normally distributed random matrix coming
sparse Create sparse matrix

issparse Determine whether input is sparse coming
nnz Number of nonzero matrix elements


A technical computing tool








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