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jsutlive edited this page May 13, 2023 · 8 revisions

class Component

Abstract class

Extends: N/A

Implements: IBehavior

The simulator uses a component pattern to make the system easy to expand and debug. The component pattern breaks the behavior of entities/ objects in the simulation into individual units. Using generic functions, we can access these components and their individual fields/methods at any time. Components are critical to how the simulator operates; this repository comes with a special IntelliJ IDEA template to help you get started. Click here to follow along with an example of how to use the template to build your own behaviors using the component base class.


Accessibility Type Field Name Description
protected Entity parent The entity this component is attached to
protected boolean enabled When true, this object is active in the simulation framework and will respond to calls from the system

Unique Methods:

Accessibility Return Type Method Name Description
public void setParent Attaches this component to a new entity
public void removeSelf Removes this component from the entity
public boolean isEnabled Check status of this component
public void setEnabled Enable or disable the component
public Component getComponent Returns a component of type specified
public void changeFieldOnGUI Method used by the GUI system to change specific fields in the class from GUI elements


Accessibility Type Variable Name Description
public Component onComponentChanged alert GUI when a value has been changed

Other methods inherited by IBehavior.

Adding/ getting components:

Components are simply added by calling the addComponent(Component c) method from the base entity. The component can be returned as any applicable type. getComponent(). To see a detailed description of how to work with components with code examples, click here.

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