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Mesh Collider

jsutlive edited this page Jun 13, 2023 · 1 revision

Mesh Collider

extends Collider

implements N/A


Mesh Collider is a component which inherits from Collider. It is used to prevent collision between multiple entities containing different Mesh components. The current iteration of this uses the recast algorithm to detect collisions.


Accessibility Type Field Name Description
private List collision the algorithm is looped multiple times to reduce error. To save time, colliding nodes on a given iteration are stored in this list, the next iteration will only be looped over this list


Accessibility Return Type Method Name Description
public List checkCollision determine if any nodes are colliding from a given list of nodes. Returns nodes found to have collided.
private Vector2f getClosestPoint with a node and a mesh given, returns the point on the mesh closest to the node
public Vector2f setNodePositionToClosestEdge node is moved to closest point on edge (can return this point if needed)

Physics/ Mathematics

This class references some utility functions seen in the Collision2D class and (Mesh class.

Collision Detection

Since the specific collision detection algorithms are found in [Mesh](Mesh, more detail can be found there. For every node in the Nodes list and for every Entity in the entities list (both lists inherited from the base class), the raycast algorithm is used to check if the node is within the entity's mesh. If the node is part of that entity's mesh, it is skipped. If a collision is found, a response is prompted (see collision response below) and it is added to a list of nodes that was found to have collided.

Collision Response

After a collision is detected, the next step is to respond to that collision. The closest position is then calculated by determining the shortest perpendicular distance to the node from each of the mesh's edges. The node is then moved to that position.

Secondary iterations/ checking

To ensure our colliding nodes are no longer colliding, the algorithm is re-run, limiting the scope to only colliding nodes. This process repeats for up to 5 times.