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Grouping Objects

jsutlive edited this page Dec 13, 2022 · 2 revisions


You can easily group objects to more easily change physics. Each physics object can only be assigned to one group.


To create a group, first click and drag around physics objects (such as the hexagonal cells in this image). The inspector on the left-hand side will indicate multiple entities have been selected. Click the "G" button at the top of the inspector pane to group the cells.

Select and group cells with the group button

When the objects are grouped, you should notice the group settings pane appear. Additionally, you should notice a new group icon appear on the right side of the window in the object pane.

Groups appear in object pane and show the group settings pane

When the settings are changed in the group settings pane, we can see that the name has changed the label on the object pane, and the color has changed to that of the assigned color. Notice this also changes the default color in our renderer for these objects to make them easier to identify by their groups. If we want to override this color change to the physics objects, we can do so by editing the default color of the mesh renderer component in the inspector.

Alter parameters in the group settings pane

Removing groups can be done by clicking the "U" ungroup button in the inspector. You must select a group via the object pane or have not changed selection after creating a group in order for this option to be available. Note that after ungrouping, changes made to the objects while grouped will persist.

Alter parameters in the group settings pane

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