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Command-Line interface for the jsonpath-plus library.

The jpp command enables running the jsonpath-plus library against files from the command line. JSONPath searches return a JSON array which jpp outputs. The --pretty option pretty-prints the output. Additional command line options can be found below.

See the documentation for examples, JSONPath expression syntax and additional details.


npm install -g @jsware/jsonpath-cli


Usage: jpp [options] [JSONPath Expression] [JSON Input File]

  -V, --version                display version
  -i, --input <file>           input JSON file (default: stdin)
  -e, --jsonpath <expression>  matching expression
  -o, --output <file>          output file for matches (default: stdout)
  -p, --pretty                 pretty print matches (default: false)
  -s, --separate               output each match separately (default: false)
  -b, --before <text>          output text before any matches
  -r, --prefix [prefix]        prefix when using --separate (default: false)
  -u, --suffix <suffix>        suffix each match except last with <suffix>
  -U, --suffix-all <suffix>    suffix all matches with <suffix>
  -a, --after <text>           output text after all matches
  -h, --help                   display help for command