This is a boilerplate template for serverless using Spring Cloud Function. It uses Kotlin, Gradle and AWS but could be easily adapted.
I also have a non-spring template aws-kotlin-jvm-gradle which is included with the serverless distribution.
- Serverless 1.24 or higher
- Gradle 4 and JDK8
# Create template
serverless create --template-url \
--path helloworld --name hello && cd helloworld
# Build and deploy the hello world function
gradle deploy
There are a few ways to define functions in Spring Cloud Function, the method used here is to create
classes that implement Function
and use the auto scan feature. Spring will scan the com.serverless.functions
namespace (defined in for functions.
Each function need's a corresponding handler class, unless the function will be accessed only by a http event (in
which case it can use the ApiGatewayHandler
Functions consume and produce plain java objects. When using the ApiGatewayHandler, functions can access the full details of the request (e.g. the headers and
path variables) by wrapping the request object in Spring's Message
fun apply(t: Message<HelloRequest>): HelloResponse {
val httpRequest = req.headers["request"] as? APIGatewayProxyRequestEvent ?: return HelloResponse("Failed to get request event")
// Read headers, etc
return HelloResponse("Hello, ${ ?: "World"}")