QMORPH is a Python3 library for querying and pivoting tabular data. It was first written a number of years ago as part of my doctoral work on Ancient Greek morphology but has potentially broader applications. I've recently updated it to Python 3 and will likely change some things inspired by the Django ORM's query syntax.
from qmorph import *
greek_forms = Rel()
greek_forms.load_cols("forms.txt", ("form", "pos", "parse", "lemma"))
greek_forms.query(PartCount(lambda t: t["pos"]))
initializes the relation.
parses a given line-per-record, whitespace-delimited file into
dictionaries with the given fields.
then runs the given query or list of queries on those dictionaries.
is a provided query class that partitions and counts the
dictionaries based on the given property function. Above the property
function is provided inline but the equivalent could be achieved using the
higher-order FIELD
function provided:
from qmorph import *
greek_forms = Rel()
greek_forms.load_cols("forms.txt", ("form", "pos", "parse", "lemma"))
which is equivalent to our first example.
Often you end up writing your own property functions. For example, we could
write TENSE
, a function to extract the tense from the parse
field and
then do:
from domain import *
greek_forms = Rel()
greek_forms.load_cols("forms.txt", ("form", "pos", "parse", "lemma"))
resulting in output like:
A 4106
F 749
I 525
- 8779
P 3898
Y 36
X 779
partitions: 7
also takes an optional given
argument to restrict the items
considered based on the given characteristic function. We can define
domain-specific characteristic functions such as INFINITIVE
and do
the following:
PartCount(TENSE, given=INFINITIVE),
which will give:
tense given infinitive
A 448
P 394
X 32
F 3
partitions: 4
Property functions can be combined with LIST
so that
will partition the infinitives based on both TENSE
tense, voice given infinitive
P P 72
A M 50
X P 9
A A 310
P A 258
F A 1
X M 1
F M 2
A P 88
X A 22
P M 64
partitions: 11
Another query class is CrossTab
which takes two characteristic functions
and generates a cross-table. It can also optionally be restricted to a given
characteristic function:
CrossTab(CASE("N"), ENDS_IN("ος"), given=NOMINAL),
Note that the characteristic function NOMINAL
and higher-order
characteristic functions CASE
are domain-specific (it's
easy to write your own as you can see below). This results in:
case N vs -ος given nominal
-ος not
case N | 595 3508 | 4103
not | 315 6957 | 7272
| 910 10465 | 11375
Yet another provided query class is Assert
which will identify any
violations of a particular characteristic function. For example, if you
want to assert that present active infinitives (domain-specific
characteristic function TVM_IS("PAN")
) end in ν (domain-specific
characteristic function ENDS_IN("ν")
) and show the lemmas (property
function LEMMA
) of the violators, you use:
Assert(ENDS_IN("ν"), given=TVM_IS("PAN"), display=LEMMA),
It is possible to write your own query classes. In morphology work, for
example, I use a query class EndingTree
to show the possible endings
a given type of word (identified by characteristic function) can have.
As mentioned at the start, you can write your own property functions:
def TENSE(t):
return t["parse"][1]
which can be combined with LIST
as we saw above in things like
Notice that property functions take an dictionary t
and return some string
value from that dictionary.
You can also write your own characteristic functions:
def NOMINAL(t):
return t["pos"][0] in ["N", "A", "R"] or (t["pos"] == "V-" and t["parse"][3] == "P")
and higher-order characteristic functions (functions which return characteristic functions):
def ENDS_IN(ending):
def _(t):
return strip_accents(t["form"]).endswith(ending)
_.__doc__ = "-{0}".format(ending)
return _
Characteristic functions can be combined with AND
, OR
. There are also built-in characteristic functions ALWAYS
Notice that characteristic functions take a dictionary t
and return a
boolean indicating whether the dictionary has that characteristic.
Note that the doc-strings are very important as they are used as part of the output of query results.