Data and MATLAB code to create hydrodynamic signatures from an artificial lateral line probe with total pressure sensors.
The Matlab script HydroSigKMeans.m creates the hydrodynamic signatures, generates concatenated features for the collection of measurement data in a single folder and performs k-means clustering with an elbow plot to determine the optimal number of clusters.
A PDF outlining the use of the script and data is provided in the "MATLAB_Code_User_Guide".
All lateral line probe raw measurement data are included in the folder Raw_Data. The data is organized based on each of the three vertical slot fishways; Hirnbach, Runserau and Wenns. At each site, the measurements were segregated into two folders, Pool_Cross-Sections or Slots. The basin numbering based on figure 6 of the submitted manuscript reflects the numbering of each measurement location (Basin 4 is labeled "B04").
The journal publication in Bioinspiration & Biomimetics featuring this method: