CS50W Capstone project Arts and Crafts Courses
Juan Gabriel MEJÍA / 2020-08-16
An skillshare.com / Udemy.com like online learning community and selling online courses, that will allow users to browse course catalog, filter courses by categories, search for courses, see courses details, add/delete courses to/from a shopping cart, include course adds to orders, give rates and reviews, check ratings and reviews from other users and, finally, checkout orders in the shopping cart.
Python, Django, JavaScript - ECMAScript 6 (ES6), HTML, and CSS.
- Sufficiently distinct from the other projects in this course (not based on the old Pizza project), and more complex than those.
- Utilize Django on the back-end and JavaScript on the front-end.
- Mobile-responsive.
- Include a README.md (this file) describing the project.
- Provide a requirements.txt file with required Python packages.
- Authentication: allow user to login and logout the site.
- Show course catalog.
- Filter courses by multiple categories.
- Filter courses by a filter string. Filter string is searched into the course’s titles and descriptions.
- Show course details and prepare an order with course adds. Some of the adds are charged, some others are free.
- Add an order to the shopping cart. An Order includes course, selected adds (some free some charged), items prices and total price.
- Show orders in the shopping cart and an icon with the number of selected courses (if any).
- Give course ratings/reviews and show course ratings average/reviews.
- Authorization: Make course catalog available for non-signed in users and shopping cart available only for signed in users.
- Paypal payment integration.
- Check payed orders. List orders already payed.
- Upload images for course catalog.
- Extend Users information for users relationship management.
- Complement payment cycle with other Paypal capabilities and offer another Payment Gateways.
- Improve the Admin module experience when updating tables with one to many relationships. For example, allow including course adds directly from the Course table in admin page.
courses/: Aplication directory (Application name: courses)
media/: Courses images (*.jpg)
migrations/: Migrations files (* .py)
- courses/: Static files for the courses application
- css/:
- colors.scs: Some colors codes references from htmlcolorcodes.com
- main.css: Style sheet
- main.scss: Sass file that compiles to main.css
- main.css.map: Map file create by the scss compiler.
- js/:
- main.js: Javascript code for: Filtering by categories and by filter string; configuring an Order with course adds; rating and write reviews.
- paypal.js: Javascriot code for paypal API integration for order payments. JS Fetch is used for server services calls.
- favicon.ico: small icon associated with the website
- css/:
- courses/: Static files for the courses application
- courses/: Templates for courses application
- cart: list orders, items and subitems; display a modal dialog with order contents, allowing to choose course adds; allow payments (payàl button).
- error.html: general error template.
- index.html: list course catalog and allows filtering.
- error.html: general error template.
- information.html: general information template.
- login.html: login page
- layout.html: root template from which every other template inherits.
- register.html: new user registraton form.
- showpayment.html: show successful payment results and a modal dialog with datails.
- 404.html: Personalized 404 http error page. Work only in production mode and debug=false.
- courses/: Templates for courses application
templatetags/: Template tags used in django templates.
range.py: generate a range from < start > to < end > for iterating through a for loop.
admin.py: For registering models to be accessed from /admin. All the models in models.py are registered.
apps.py: registered apps for the current project
context_processors: export som settings variables definitions to be used in templates: FILTER_INITIAL_NAME, PAYPAL_CLIENTID.
models.py: app models.
_ User(AbstractUser): A User can create many Orders / A user can write reviews for many courses in CourseReview (ratings/reviews) _ Course: A Course have one CourseProvider _ CourseProvider: A CourseProvider can proved many Courses. _ CourseCategory: A CourseCategory is associated with many Courses / A Course have ono or many CourseCategory's _ CourseAdd: A CourseAdd belongs to one Course / A Course have cero o many CourseAdd's _ CourseReviews: A course review/rating is written by a User for a Course _ Order: An Order is associated with on User / A User is asociated with cero o many Order's _ OrderItem: An OrderItem is part of only one Order, and is assoated with one Course _ OrderSubitem: An OrderSubitem is part of only one OrderItem, and is assoated with one Course Add
test.py: file for tests
- urls.py: html app routes
utils.py: Paypal REST API calls and some utility functions (encode/decode BASE64).
views.py: app controllers responding to routes _ Errors _ handler404 _ Catalog _ index _ User athentication _ loginView _ logoutView _ registerView _ Coourses Reviews and Rating _ courseReview _ Shopping Cart _ addToCart _ deleteFromCart _ showCart _ Payment Checkout _ createPaypalOrder _ capturePaypalOrder _ showPaypalPayment * cancelPaypalPayment
project5/ The project directory
- asgi.py: ASGI config for project5 project.
- setting.py: project setting file (Django settings). Defines som Paypal variables in development environment, then to be moved to env variables in production: PAYPAL_CLIENTID, PAYPAL_SECRET, PAYPAL_URLTOKEN, PAYPAL_URLORDER, PAYPAL_URLSHOW,
- urls.py: html project routes
- wsgi.py: WSGI config for project4 project.
db.sqlite3: The databse file.
manage.py: Django's command-line utility for administrative tasks
README.md: This file.
It has been hard work and at the same time very enriching.
I have encountered great difficulties especially in the integration with Paypal, particularly due to the lack of good documentation. I've wasted lot of time on outdated documents.
Thanks to the development of the Capstone project, I have learned and deepened especially in the following topics:
- The models: handle the inherited abstract User model; the need to make methods within the model classes; the aggregation functions; using "related_name" for one to many relationships (foreign) and for many to many relatioships (QuerySets and entry_set); using class META to define constrains.
- Exporting settings variables for templates.
- Defining a urls (routes) for GET method with parameters and at the same time for POST methods without parameters.
- REST call to external APIs through requests.
- Use of custom HTTP error pages.
- Creating personalized template Tags.
- Operations on strings.
- Dictionaries and Sets operations.
- Find / deccode strings Base64 (Interesting).
- Use of operations on the DOM and manage events.
- Use of FETCH to call own and external APIs.
- Intensive use of Boostrap.
- Use of cloudflare font-awesome icons.
- Using modal dialogs (Bootstrap).
- Use of the SCSS language.
Before running a project, an Environment must be set for Python 3 and requirements.txt must be then installed For example to create an environment called: /env-py3.9
First create directory:
mkdir env-py3.9
Then set environment:
python3 -m venv env-py3.9
Finally, activate envirinment:
source env-py3.9/bin/activate
Now is time time install Python packages - If requirements.txt is present:
pip install requests
I have created an environment called /env-py3.9
> source active.sh
# Where active.sh is a file with 2 lines:
source env-py3.9/bin/activate
cd env-py3.9/pr*5*/pr*5
Notice that:
./manage.py ...
is equivalent to python manage.py ...
./manage.py runserver
Navigate to
./manage.py createsuperuser
./manage.py makemigrations
, Create new migrations based on the changes you have made to your models./manage.py migrate
, Apply and unapply migrations
./manage.py test
If you want to run only the tests in the CourseModelTest class, you can specify it in the command:
./manage.py test courses.models_tests.CourseModelTest