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Releases: julesontheroad/NSC_BUILDER


01 Aug 21:59
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v0.89b- Bugfix:

- Fixed error that prevented generation of titlerights removed multinsps

- If NSCB prompts the error "Too many arguments in command line" may be that the "more" function isn't working in your windows. Download the "" binary attached to this release and copy it next to NSCB.bat to fix it. Solution thanks to RiggZh


29 Jul 21:18
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v0.89- Adds patcher for linked account requirement:

Edit: Attached a list of patchable and unpatchable linked account games thanks to "the tester"

- Added patcher for linked-account flag in control nacp

* Patcher was added to Advanced mode, option 5 "patch a linked account requirement"
* The file is patched directly without generating a copy or any extraction
* The patcher can patched several files in batch
* The patcher will skip files that don't need a linked account
* You can see if a file needs a linked account in the nacp reader:
     > If "StartupUserAccount==RequiredWithNetworkServiceAccountAvailable" a linked account is needed
* Patcher patches this value to take an unlinked account:
     > New value is StartupUserAccount==Required, which will ask for an account at boot but it doesn't need to be linked.
     > Value isn't patched to "StartupUserAccount==None", since it crashes these games.
* If "RequiredNetworkServiceLicenseOnLaunch" is enabled it will also patched

- Take into account that current verification will ping the control nca as modified

- For now files with this patch won't be included in the verification and upcoming restore mode due to the small number of games with this patching requirement

- Fixed issue that impeded raw-extaction from working properly

- Added <,<>,> to the list of banned characters for filenames


27 Jul 18:28
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v0.88- Bugfixes and new stuff

- Fixes direct creation of fat32 files, to reflect that the new modes create split nsp or xci files for fat32 sd cards directly if set in the config.

  Current implemented modes:
      * For now the pack options under "SPECIAL OPTIONS" are not supported

- Added mode 7: FILE-JOINER mode to join fat32 .xc*,.ns* or *0

  > For *0 files drop the folder if you have several *0 files to join to not confuse the batch operations, for .xc* and .ns* files joins are grouped by filename

- Fixes bug in verification where RSV check bar stays after finishing RSV check on unlockers

- Fixes bug in verification where hash verification gives a really slow speed on some files.

- Fixes bug in some modes with files that use keygeneration 2

- Fixes bug where info mode 1 doesn't show the total size of deltas

- Fix nacp reader for xci files

- Fix Language and nacp offset detection in some games

- Fixes titlekey verification on nsp and nsx dlcs

- Added main.npdm reader for nsp and xci files

- Add raw extraction option to advance mode so files with messed nca headers can be extracted and verify the nca independently

- Added romaji option to db so outputting names in romaji can be turn off

- Added extraction of ncas in plaintext to advance mode

- Added extraction of nca contents to advance mode

  NOTE: For now plaintext and extraction of ncas will skip program ncas in updates.
  Process is done without extraction of ncas from nsp\xci with a fallback that pre-extracts the nca if the the sections are not correctly detected.
  NOTE2: Consider extraction and plaintext options on early stages.


08 Jul 22:13
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v0.87c- Bugfixes

- Adds check for correct original titlekey for xci conversions from nsx files without a titlekey.

- Fixes bug when RSV check progress bar multiplies when checking dlc unlockers

- Fixes message "needs RSV check" for non meta files in community-made nca files (They still won't verify in level2 since they won't have a proper signature1)

- Adds name sanitizing after romaji conversion

- Improves blankspace removal after romaji conversion

- Adds all roman numbers to the bad character list, they will be replaced by it's multicharacter equivalent.

  Example: Assasin's Creed 3 uses the Ⅲ character which corresponds to 1 character. 
  This is replaced for III which corresponds for 3 characters

- Fixes message "master_key_08 is present but program doesn't have the hash to verify the key"


02 Jul 22:57
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v0.87b- Fixes exe builds

- v0.87 exe builds would raise an exception when converting to romaji, this was fixed with the inclusion of the needed missing files.

v0.87- Sanitation of names, romaji convertion, improvements in verification and more

- Automated removal of bad characters on names in direct-multi function

- Added option to convert japanese and asian names to romaji in direct-multi name

Note: This is set by default due to the Horizon system having issues with these characters

- New option in global options to remove the romaji conversion

- New renaming options for renamer function:

* Name sanitazion -> Removes bad characters on filenames.
* Romanize -> Converts kanji\extended kanna\chinese to romaji (japanese romanization)

- Force romaji in prints in info functions for compatibility with windows CMD console

- Fixes issue with info functions,database,renamer,... reading filenames when only chinese language is present in the control nca file.

- Added RSV verification to the verifier.

* If a meta file was modified by NSCB the program will be	able to detect the original RSV
* By restoring the RSV it will be able to restore the header and match it against the Nintendo Private Signature (Signature1) fully authenticating the file.
* Opens the road to a soon to be implemented FILE RESTORATION MODE

- Improved verification prints

* Better detection for isgamecard changes
* Now the program will print the original keygeneration of the file and the new keygeneration
* Added check that will show if a ticket is missing when titlerights are present on a nca file. (For example a preload without the ticket)

- Better verification speeds:

* Some assumptions are taken to speed up verification with keygeneration and RSV changer. These assumptions are made taken into account the way NSCB works and probabilities.
* If squirrel is used by external programs verification times may change.

- Added NACP reader for control nca files without NSP\XCI extraction:

* The implementation is based on 0Liam's NCAP reader and 90% his work

- Added fast prints for every info function instead of nut info by catching the screen prints

* Nut info is planned to be refactored


21 Jun 19:19
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v0.86e- Fixes issues in NSCB.bat after merging beta and master branches

Previous notes:

- Added support for keygeneration 9\masterkey8 in info functions, keys verification, nsp\xci verifier and keygeneration change function

- Fixes issue when squirrel tries to find ticket when user verifies a standard crypto nsp

- Added korean language via NSCB_KR by Dinghoya. This file is linked to the profile NSCB_KR_options.cmd

Note: I'm open to translations though for interested translators please wait a little and i'll implement tools to facilitate changes between versions.


04 Jun 23:14
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v0.86c- Fixes issue when new updates were detected as smaller versions than new updates

- For some reason it's value needed to be forced as integer again for detection to work properly on some cases.


02 Jun 16:46
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- Fixed weird bug in ticket verification

v0.86- File Verification:

- Adds file verification system accesible in info and individual modes

- Verification has 3 modes\levels:

* Level 1: Decryption test

> Tests that all nca files are readable
> Tests non listed files are missing
> Tests all needed nca files are in the file
> Tests titlekey is correct for titlerights nca files
> Compatible with files with multiple tickets

* Level 2: Signature test

> Test files against Nintendo's fixed signature
> Virtually restores header for titlerights removed files
> Virtually restores header for isgamecard changed files
> Virtually restores header for keygeneration changed files
> Match restore or unrestored headers against Nintendo signature
> Can accurately declare that a file was signed by Nintendo if modified by NSCB which of course will serve to test safety of converts
· If titlekey was removed it prints original titlekey
· Won't work when the files wasn't signed by Nintendo or other convertion methods
· For meta nca files with modified RSV, header restoration is pending implementation, that will come in next iteration

* Level 3: Hash test

> Test files against their listed hash
> Will used the restored header to build a hash for modified files if needed
> Can accurately declare that a file is not corrupted
· For file info the program will ask if you want to do a hash test afer passing level1 and level2 verification
· This helps when reading files from the cloud with filestream methods since level1 and level2 is pretty much instant while a hash check is equivalent to a full download.
> Filestream supported methods:
· Raidrive
· Google filestream
· Rclone mount
> For file info the prints were catched so the text output is instant in the verification mode. Will be added to other info modes in the future
> Verification in individual mode allows for mass verification.
> NSCB will ask the level of verification before starting the process
· If a bad file is detected it will be write to badfiles.txt in root
· The verification output for each file is added to INFO\VERIFY
· Also compatible with filestream methods

- Add Advance mode to add extra functions regularly

* For now only file extraction for nsp\xci was added
* Extraction result is added to the "extract" folder

- Add SDK numbers in info modes with proper format

- Add SDK numbers to extended database

- Several other bugfixes


13 May 20:23
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v0.85b- Bugfixes

- Redoes implementation of direct multi handler for asian names

- Solves issue with rebuilder were wrong argument was being used

- Solves issue with dlc keys retribal in database for titlerights crypto dlcs


12 May 22:29
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v0.85- Middlestone update.

- Introduced ability to create multiple multixci or multinsp in both auto and manual mode based on the base-titleid of games\updates\dlc.
- Introduced ability to setup jobs for multimode so they can be build in one go later. This is useful specially if you want to add several games to xci\nsp
- Introduced ability to ignore setup jobs in favour of the current one.
- Setup folders for multibuild jobs. Main folder is "lists":
* Subfolder for setup jobs: lists\m_multi
* Subfolder for current jobs: lists\a_multi
 Note: The lists are created during the normal operation of the program.
- Implemented ability to handle the exceptions for the few asian games that had their title not decoded properly.
- Fixed issue for the multicontent splitter where updates\dlcs weren't splitted as nsp when the output was set to xci
- Added ability to output xci data on the databases
- Added simplified database option
- Added super-xci-trimmer to the individual modes. It'll take off paddings, update partition and game updates. It's meant to have minimun scene-xcis that can be verified with tinfoil which already ignored updates when installing these xci since they are normally outdated.
 NOTE: The card-ncas are not modified so the signature verifies on tinfoil
- Added file rebuilder on the individual modes. This rebuilds by cnmt order nsps, doesn't ignore files without deltas, adds cnmt.xml files and erases deltas if selected in the config as the other modes
- Delta removal mode now rebuilds by cnmt order and create cnmt.xml files
- Delta removal mode now respects original names.
- Fat32 mode in the multimode from NSCB-new new now follow the same renaming stile as the exfat mode
- Added more tag-removal options
- Added ability to set up delta-removal, xci-supertrimmer or nsp-rebuilder on auto mode.