The Kubelet Cookbook is a library cookbook that provides custom resources for use in recipes.
This cookbook is only concerned with the Kubelet node agent distributed in Kubernetes.
- Chef 14.4+
- Network accessible web server hosting the kubelet binary
The following platforms have been tested with Test Kitchen. It will most likely work on other platforms as well
| | 1.15.7 | 1.16.4 | 1.17.0 |
| centos-7 | X | X | X |
| debian-9 | X | X | X |
| fedora-30 | X | X | X |
| ubuntu-18.04 | X | X | X |
- Add
depends 'kubelet'
to your cookbook's metadata.rb - Use the resources shipped in cookbook in a recipe, the same way you'd use core Chef resources (file, template, directory, package, etc).
kubelet_installation_binary 'default' do
kubelet_version '1.16.4'
kubelet_binary_checksum 'a2f1eec9ecccebceb5032322ebc5e8cc054220c41cd4ec7b7b460cb8bfd63481'
action :create
kubelet_service 'kubelet' do
address ''
port 10250
fail_swap_on false
authorization_mode 'AlwaysAllow'
anonymous_auth true
authentication_token_webhook false
The cookbooks ran under test-kitchen make excellent usage examples.
The test recipes are found at:
: copies a pre-compiled kubelet binary onto diskkubelet_installation_package
: installs kubelet with an yum/apt packagekubelet_service
: creates an kubelet instance with a systemd_service
The kubelet_installation_binary
resource copies the precompiled Go binaries (kubelet & cni) onto the disk.
Name | Type | Description |
kubelet_binary_url |
String (Optional) | URL where to fetch the kubelet binary Default:{kubelet_version}/bin/linux/amd64/kubelet |
kubelet_binary_checksum |
String (Optional) | SHA256 checksum of the fetched kubelet binary Default: c2af77f501c3164e80171903028d35c632366f53dec0c8419828d4e55d86146f |
kubelet_version |
String (Optional) | Desired version of kubelet Default: 1.17.0 |
kubelet_dir |
String (Optional) | Where the kubelet binary will be installed (will be created if it doesn't exists) Default: /opt/bin |
cni_tgz_url |
String (Optional) | URL where to fetch the cni tar.gz file Default:{cni_version}/cni-plugins-amd64-v#{cni_version}.tgz |
cni_tgz_checksum |
String (Optional) | SHA256 checksum of the fetched cni tar.gz file _Default: _3ca15c0a18ee830520cf3a95408be826cbd255a1535a38e0be9608b25ad8bf64 |
cni_version |
String (Optional) | Desired version of cni Default: 0.7.5 |
cni_prefix_dir |
String (Optional) | Where to extract the cni tar.gz file |
In this example, kubelet 1.16.4 will be installed in /opt/bin
and cni 0.6.0 in /opt/cni
kubelet_installation_binary 'default' do
kubelet_binary_checksum 'a2f1eec9ecccebceb5032322ebc5e8cc054220c41cd4ec7b7b460cb8bfd63481'
kubelet_version '1.16.4'
kubelet_dir '/opt/bin'
cni_prefix_dir '/opt'
cni_version '0.7.5'
cni_tgz_checksum '3ca15c0a18ee830520cf3a95408be826cbd255a1535a38e0be9608b25ad8bf64'
action :create
The kubelet_installation_package
resource install kubelet with apt or yum package systems.
Name | Type | Description |
setup_repo |
Boolean (Optional) | Setup the kubelet repo. If you would like to manage the repo yourself so you can use an internal repo then set this to false Default: true |
repo_url |
String (Optional) | Kubelet repo URL Default (CentOS/Fedora) (Debian/Ubuntu) |
repo_key_url |
String (Optional) | Kubelet repo Key URL Default: (Debian/Ubuntu) |
version |
String (Optional) | Desired version of kubelet Default: 1.17.0 |
package_name |
String (Optional) | Kubelet package Name Default: kubelet |
package_options |
String (Optional) | Apt/Yum options Default: nil |
In this example, kubelet 1.15.7 will be installed:
kubelet_installation_package 'default' do
version '1.15.7'
action :create
The kubelet_service
resource creates a kubelet instance (configuration & service) using the given kubelet binary path.
Name | Type | Description |
kubelet_bin |
String (Optional) | Path of the kubelet binary Default: /usr/bin/kubelet |
config_dir |
String (Optional) | Configuration directory to create Default: /etc/kubernetes |
All the Kubelet Configuration Flags are also available :
- address, String, default: ''
- allow_privileged, [TrueClass, FalseClass]
- allowed_unsafe_sysctls, String
- alsologtostderr, [TrueClass, FalseClass]
- anonymous_auth, [TrueClass, FalseClass]
- application_metrics_count_limit, Integer
- authentication_token_webhook, [TrueClass, FalseClass]
- authentication_token_webhook_cache_ttl, String
- authorization_mode, String
- authorization_webhook_cache_authorized_ttl, String
- authorization_webhook_cache_unauthorized_ttl, String
- azure_container_registry_config, String
- boot_id_file, String
- bootstrap_checkpoint_path, String
- bootstrap_kubeconfig, String
- cadvisor_port, Integer
- cert_dir, String
- cgroup_driver, String
- cgroup_root, String
- cgroups_per_qos, [TrueClass, FalseClass]
- chaos_chance, Float
- client_ca_file, String
- cloud_config, String
- cloud_provider, String
- cluster_dns, String
- cluster_domain, String
- cni_bin_dir, String, default: '/opt/cni'
- cni_conf_dir, String
- config, String, default: lazy { "#{config_dir}/config.yaml" }
- container_hints, String
- container_log_max_files, Integer
- container_log_max_size, String
- container_runtime, String
- container_runtime_endpoint, String
- containerd, String
- containerized, [TrueClass, FalseClass]
- contention_profiling, [TrueClass, FalseClass]
- cpu_cfs_quota, [TrueClass, FalseClass]
- cpu_cfs_quota_period, String
- cpu_manager_policy, String
- cpu_manager_reconcile_period, String
- docker, String
- docker_disable_shared_pid, [TrueClass, FalseClass]
- docker_endpoint, String
- docker_env_metadata_whitelist, String
- docker_only, [TrueClass, FalseClass]
- docker_root, String
- docker_tls, [TrueClass, FalseClass]
- docker_tls_ca, String
- docker_tls_cert, String
- docker_tls_key, String
- dynamic_config_dir, String
- enable_controller_attach_detach, [TrueClass, FalseClass]
- enable_debugging_handlers, [TrueClass, FalseClass]
- enable_load_reader, [TrueClass, FalseClass]
- enable_server, [TrueClass, FalseClass]
- enforce_node_allocatable, String
- event_burst, Integer
- event_qps, Integer
- event_storage_age_limit, String
- event_storage_event_limit, String
- eviction_hard, String
- eviction_max_pod_grace_period, Integer
- eviction_minimum_reclaim, String
- eviction_pressure_transition_period, String
- eviction_soft, String
- eviction_soft_grace_period, String
- exit_on_lock_contention, [TrueClass, FalseClass]
- experimental_allocatable_ignore_eviction, [TrueClass, FalseClass]
- experimental_allowed_unsafe_sysctls, String
- experimental_check_node_capabilities_before_mount, [TrueClass, FalseClass]
- experimental_kernel_memcg_notification, [TrueClass, FalseClass]
- experimental_mounter_path, String
- fail_swap_on, [TrueClass, FalseClass]
- feature_gates, Hash
- file_check_frequency, String
- global_housekeeping_interval, String
- hairpin_mode, String
- healthz_bind_address, String
- healthz_port, Integer
- host_ipc_sources, String
- host_network_sources, String
- host_pid_sources, String
- hostname_override, String
- housekeeping_interval, String
- http_check_frequency, String
- image_gc_high_threshold, Integer
- image_gc_low_threshold, Integer
- image_pull_progress_deadline, String
- image_service_endpoint, String
- iptables_drop_bit, Integer
- iptables_masquerade_bit, Integer
- keep_terminated_pod_volumes, [TrueClass, FalseClass]
- kube_api_burst, Integer
- kube_api_content_type, String
- kube_api_qps, Integer
- kube_reserved, String
- kube_reserved_cgroup, String
- kubeconfig, String
- kubelet_cgroups, String
- lock_file, String
- log_backtrace_at, String
- log_cadvisor_usage, [TrueClass, FalseClass]
- log_cadvisor_usage, [TrueClass, FalseClass]
- log_dir, String
- log_flush_frequency, String
- logtostderr, [TrueClass, FalseClass]
- machine_id_file, String
- make_iptables_util_chains, [TrueClass, FalseClass]
- manifest_url, String
- manifest_url_header, String
- master_service_namespace, String
- max_open_files, Integer
- max_pods, Integer
- maximum_dead_containers, String
- maximum_dead_containers_per_container, String
- minimum_container_ttl_duration, String
- minimum_image_ttl_duration, String
- network_plugin, String
- network_plugin_mtu, Integer
- node_ip, String
- node_labels, String
- node_status_max_images, String
- node_status_update_frequency, String
- non_masquerade_cidr, String
- oom_score_adj, Integer
- pod_cidr, String
- pod_infra_container_image, String
- pod_manifest_path, String, default: lazy { "#{config_dir}/manifests" }
- pod_max_pids, Integer
- pods_per_core, Integer
- port, Integer, default: 10250
- protect_kernel_defaults, [TrueClass, FalseClass]
- provider_id, String
- qos_reserved, String
- read_only_port, Integer
- really_crash_for_testing, [TrueClass, FalseClass]
- redirect_container_streaming, [TrueClass, FalseClass]
- register_node, [TrueClass, FalseClass]
- register_schedulable, [TrueClass, FalseClass]
- register_with_taints, String
- registry_burst, Integer
- registry_qps, Integer
- resolv_conf, String
- root_dir, String
- rotate_certificates, [TrueClass, FalseClass]
- rotate_server_certificates, [TrueClass, FalseClass]
- runonce, [TrueClass, FalseClass]
- runtime_cgroups, String
- runtime_request_timeout, String
- seccomp_profile_root, String
- serialize_image_pulls, [TrueClass, FalseClass]
- stderrthreshold, Integer
- storage_driver_buffer_duration, String
- storage_driver_db, String
- storage_driver_host, String
- storage_driver_password, String
- storage_driver_secure, [TrueClass, FalseClass]
- storage_driver_table, String
- storage_driver_user, String
- streaming_connection_idle_timeout, String
- sync_frequency, String
- system_cgroups, String
- system_reserved, String
- system_reserved_cgroup, String
- tls_cert_file, String
- tls_cipher_suites, String
- tls_min_version, String
- tls_private_key_file, String
- v, Integer
- vmodule, String
- volume_plugin_dir, String
- volume_stats_agg_period, String
In this example, a standalone instance of kubelet will be created.
kubelet_service 'kubelet' do
address ''
port 10250
fail_swap_on false
authorization_mode 'AlwaysAllow'
anonymous_auth true
authentication_token_webhook false
action :create
A /etc/kubernetes
directory will be created with a kubelet config file in it. A systemd service will also be created.
Copyright | 2018, Julien Huon
Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
You may obtain a copy of the License at
Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
limitations under the License.