A tool for splitting diffs in Neovim
This is a Neovim tool for splitting/editing diffs. It operates over a left
and right
directory, producing a diff of
the two which can subsequently be inspected and modified. The DiffEditor
allows selecting changes by file, hunk or
individual line to produce a new partial diff.
This was primarily built to be used with jujutsu as an alternative diff-editor to
it's :builtin
option, but it's designed generically enough that it can be used for other use cases.
To use it you need to give it two to three directories: a left
, a right
, and optionally a output
directory. These
directories will then be read in and used to produce a set of diffs between the two directories. You will then be
presented with the left and right side of each file and can select the lines from each diff hunk you would like to keep.
When you are happy with your selection you can accept changes and the diff editor will modify the output
directory (or
the right
directory if no output is provided) to match your selection.
Using folke/lazy.vim
cmd = { "DiffEditor" },
config = function()
- nui.nvim
- nvim-web-devicons (optional)
- mini.icons (optional)
If you want file type icons in the file tree then you should have one of either mini.icons
or nvim-web-devicons
installed. Otherwise, neither are required.
local hunk = require("hunk")
keys = {
global = {
quit = { "q" },
accept = { "<leader><Cr>" },
focus_tree = { "<leader>e" },
tree = {
expand_node = { "l", "<Right>" },
collapse_node = { "h", "<Left>" },
open_file = { "<Cr>" },
toggle_file = { "a" },
diff = {
toggle_line = { "a" },
toggle_hunk = { "A" },
ui = {
tree = {
-- Mode can either be `nested` or `flat`
mode = "nested",
width = 35,
--- Can be either `vertical` or `horizontal`
layout = "vertical",
icons = {
selected = "",
deselected = "",
partially_selected = "",
folder_open = "",
folder_closed = "",
-- Called right after each window and buffer are created.
hooks = {
---@param _context { buf: number, tree: NuiTree, opts: table }
on_tree_mount = function(_context) end,
---@param _context { buf: number, win: number }
on_diff_mount = function(_context) end,
Hooks can be used to bind keys with "complex" logic, or to set buffer/window local options on the three or diff splits.
Skipping Folders in the File Tree
These bindings allow j
to skip over folders in the file tree (b/c they're generally not
relevant). You can still access folders with gj
-- track all the lines of leaf nodes so we don't have to recompute them on each key press
local jumpable_lines
local function set_jumpabe_lines(context)
jumpable_lines = {}
local i = 1
local n, _, _ = context.tree:get_node(i)
while n do
if not n:has_children() then
table.insert(jumpable_lines, i)
i = i + 1
n, _, _ = context.tree:get_node(i)
hooks = {
on_tree_mount = function(context)
vim.keymap.set("n", "j", function()
-- unfortunately we have to recompute every time because folding ruins these computed values
local row = vim.api.nvim_win_get_cursor(0)[1]
if row < jumpable_lines[1] then
vim.api.nvim_win_set_cursor(0, { jumpable_lines[1], 0 })
for idx = #jumpable_lines, 1, -1 do
if jumpable_lines[idx] <= row then
if jumpable_lines[idx + 1] then
vim.api.nvim_win_set_cursor(0, { jumpable_lines[idx + 1], 0 })
end, { buffer = context.buf })
vim.keymap.set("n", "k", function()
local row = vim.api.nvim_win_get_cursor(0)[1]
if row > jumpable_lines[#jumpable_lines] then
vim.api.nvim_win_set_cursor(0, { jumpable_lines[#jumpable_lines], 0 })
for idx, node_row in ipairs(jumpable_lines) do
if node_row >= row then
if jumpable_lines[idx - 1] then
vim.api.nvim_win_set_cursor(0, { jumpable_lines[idx - 1], 0 })
end, { buffer = context.buf })
Set `nospell` in File Tree
hooks = {
on_tree_mount = function(context)
vim.api.nvim_set_option_value("spell", false, { win = context.win })
Jujutsu is an alternative VCS that has a focus on working with individual commits and their diffs.
A lot of commands in jujutsu allow you to select parts of a diff. The tool used to select the diff can be configured via
their ui.diff-editor
config option. To use hunk.nvim
add the following to your jujutsu config.toml
diff-editor = ["nvim", "-c", "DiffEditor $left $right $output"]
You can find more info on this config in the jujutsu docs.