Juma Allan.
Star--awwwards is a Python-Django web application where registered users can post project(s) they have created and get it reviewed/rated by their peers(Users).
- Ubuntu Software
- Python3.8.10
- Postgres
- python virtual environment (virtual:venv).
- Text editor - preferably Visual Studio Code Editor.
Run the following command on the terminal:
git clone https://github.com/juma-moringa/Star-Awwwards..git
Activate virtual environment using python3.8
- Install
- python3 -m venv virtual
- Activate
- source virtual/bin/activate
Install all dependancies that will make the app run/function
- pip install -r requirements.txt
- psql
- create database awards;
- python3 manage.py makemigrations starproject(App name)
- python3 manage.py migrate
- python3 manage.py runserver
- open your browser with the local host;
provided on the terminal
- python3 manage.py test starproject
- The admin dashboard can be accessed from the dropdown menu just below the profile icon.
- Firstly you must be on the homepage to access it.
Username: Admin
Password: Access254
- Python 3.8.10
- Django 3.2.5
- Bootstrap 3
- Heroku
- Postgresql
Star--Awwwards is under the MIT license.