Use git clone to download the repo
git clone
After the clone, build the solution to restore the packages.
before commiting a change configure your email and username, run this 2 commands in the git bash
git config --global "" git config --global "Your Name"
before commit, in git bash use the command git status. This list the file changes in the project.
use git add to staged commits
to commit a change use the git commit command
git commit -m "description of the changes"
this push the changes into the local repo
to push the commit changes in the local to the remote repo use git push command
git push
As an example, you usually run (git push origin master) to push your local changes to your remote repository.
you can use sourcetree to control the repository in an easy way
just download sourcetree and install.
to update the local repository use the command git pull
if you have changes commit or stash them with the command git stash.