This tool can help you by authorizing the managed service identity in a Azure SQL database.
Essentially this tools allows you to perform the following SQL statements:
ALTER ROLE db_datareader ADD MEMBER [<identity-name>];
ALTER ROLE db_datawriter ADD MEMBER [<identity-name>];
ALTER ROLE db_ddladmin ADD MEMBER [<identity-name>];
The tool uses a connection string to connect to the Azure SQL database, it has the following form:
Server=<server-name>,1433;Database=<db-name>;Encrypt=True;Authentication='Active Directory Password';User Id=<aad-user-name>;Password=<aad-password>;
Note that you have to use an Azure Active Directory user when connecting to authorize the identity.
You can optionally choose to skip adding the identity to a role by passing one (or more) of the following command line switches:
--no-datareader (Default: false) Do not add the identity to the 'db_datareader' role.
--no-datawriter (Default: false) Do not add the identity to the 'db_datawriter' role.
--no-ddladmin (Default: false) Do not add the identity to the 'db_ddladmin' role.
More information is available in the tutorial in the Microsoft Docs. For integration in Azure DevOps see my blog post.