Image: by N. Feans
You can learn more about smartcrop.js on the library homepage
If the optional dependency node-opencv is installed smartcrop-cli can additionally detect faces and take them into account when finding the optimal crop.
You can install smartcrop-cli using npm:
npm install -g smartcrop-cli
Smartcrop-cli requires image magick version 6 to operate.
On Debian based systems apt-get install imagemagick
on mac os brew install imagemagick
Imagemagick version 7 will not work.
Usage: smartcrop [OPTION] FILE [OUTPUT]
smartcrop --width 100 --height 100 photo.jpg square-thumbnail.jpg generate a 100x100 thumbnail from photo.jpg
--config path to a config.json
--width width of the crop
--height height of the crop
--faceDetection perform faceDetection using opencv
--outputFormat image magick output format string [default: "jpg"]
--quality jpeg quality of the output image [default: 90]
-* forwarded as options to smartcrop.js