This is the GitHub landing page for my work persona (@jwargo); you can find my personal repo at @johnwargo.
I'm a professional software developer, writer, presenter, father, husband, and Geek. For the last 15 years (or so), I focused on enterprise mobility and building mobile apps. My work is in 8 books, plus a lot of magazine articles and blog posts. I wrote seven books outright, and the other is an anthology of magazine articles I (and others) wrote for a particular publication. All but one of my books are on web and mobile software development. My latest publication is Learning Progressive Web Apps.
I'm currently a Principal Product Manager at Oracle.
I love tinkering with IoT, building and writing about projects for Arduino, Particle Photon, Raspberry Pi, and more.
What you'll find here is any repositories I publish through my day job. This is usually sample applications, conference presentations, and so on.
📫 How to reach me:
- Email me at first at firstlast dot com, I usually check email in the morning and after work; don't be in a hurry, I'm not - I'll get back to you when I can.
- I publish a lot of stuff on my personal blog at, there's a contact form there
- If you have questions about any of the repos here, use Issues in the repo to ask your questions; I respond to all issues.
🔭 I’m currently working on ...
- My day job, of course, whatever that is.
- Learning as much as I can about Flutter.
- Writing articles for Random Dev Errors.
- Building and selling mobile apps through my little/side software company Fumbly Diddle Software.
- Creating commercial hardware products for hobbyists at my little/side hardware company Fumbly Stuff.