Xthreader is a general purpose tool used to thread commands/command line tools.the tool allows you to execute a command multiple times very fast with ability to give the command different input in each thread using a command template.
xthreader [options]
Flag | Description |
-c,--command | the command or the template of the command that you want to thread.(required) |
-t,--threads | the amount of threads.(optional)(default is 10) |
-i,--input | the input file or the list of input files.(optional) |
-s,--sleep | the time interval in seconds between each group of threads.(optional)(default is 0s) |
-n,--timesnum | the number of the times that you want to execute the group of threads if your command is not a template.(optional) (default is 1 loop) |
-v,--verbose | turn on verbose mode.(optional) |
-h,--help | to show the help menu.(optional) |
- xthreader -c 'ping' -t 10 -n 2 -s 1
- xthreader -c 'dig A $var1' -i domains.txt -t 50 -v
- xthreader -c 'echo "$var1$var2" > $var3' -i f1.txt,f2.txt,f3.txt -t 10
chmod +x install.sh
sudo ./install.sh