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A K-Monitor alkalmazása egy ingyenes, könnyen kezelhető és testreszabható térképes kérdőív azoknak, akik fontosnak tartják, hogy a közpénzből megvalósuló fejlesztésekbe az érintettek is beleszólhassanak. -


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  1. Install MySQL and Node v18+.

  2. Install PNPM.

  3. Create a new project in Google reCAPTCHA.

  4. Create a MySQL database and a user for it:

    CREATE DATABASE partimap CHARACTER SET utf8mb4 COLLATE utf8mb4_unicode_ci;
    CREATE USER 'partimap_user'@'localhost' IDENTIFIED WITH mysql_native_password BY 'your strong password here';
    -- or in case of MySQL v5:
    CREATE USER 'partimap_user'@'localhost' IDENTIFIED BY 'your strong password here';
    GRANT ALL PRIVILEGES ON partimap.* TO 'partimap_user'@'localhost';
  5. Copy .env.example to .env and edit the app's configuration. At a minimum, you need to set these:

    DB_PASS=your strong password here
    RECAPTCHA_SITE_KEY=copy value here from recaptcha admin
    RECAPTCHA_SECRET_KEY=copy value here from recaptcha admin
  6. Open a terminal in the project directory and install dependencies with pnpm i.

  7. Run database migrations with npx db-migrate up, this will create the tables of the project.

  8. In MySQL add an admin user for the project:

    INSERT INTO user (email, password, name, registered, isAdmin, active)
    VALUES ("", "$2a$12$TwohCgZc1t7.pwX84CXZ..R9a3vIM5qWb5RaqcJZokUCNEjmLxXBq", "Admin", 0, 1, 1);
  9. Run dev server with pnpm run dev.

  10. Login (/login) with username "" and password "123", then change admin password. :)

Setup production

  1. Do all of the above, and make sure to set all relevant fields in .env to match your environment, see .env.example.
  2. Build the application with pnpm run build.
  3. Start server with pnpm start.

Or you can set it up as a service and run it with the following steps:

  1. Install PM2 process manager with npm i -g pm2.
  2. Set it up as a service (to start on boot) with pm2 startup.
  3. Create a configuration via cp ecosystem.config.cjs.example ecosystem.config.cjs and edit the app name and other options as you wish.
  4. Start the server with pm2 start ecosystem.config.cjs

Running unit tests

  1. Create .env.test file.
  2. Run pnpm run test or you can run pnpm run dev and open Vitest in Nuxt DevTools.

Adding a database change (migration)

  1. Run npx db-migrate create <name-of-migration>.
  2. This will create migrations/sqls/<timestamp>-<name-of-migration>-<up|down>.sql files.
  3. Edit them so *-up.sql contains the SQL command of your migration, while *-down.sql contains the command to undo it. SQL files cannot contain more than one command.


GPLv3, please see the LICENSE file for details.

Copyright (C) 2024 DeepData Ltd.


A K-Monitor alkalmazása egy ingyenes, könnyen kezelhető és testreszabható térképes kérdőív azoknak, akik fontosnak tartják, hogy a közpénzből megvalósuló fejlesztésekbe az érintettek is beleszólhassanak. -







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