This is a browser extension in WebExtensions.
You can install it from the following site.
CopyTabTitleUrl – Add-ons for Firefox
CopyTabTitleUrl - Chrome Web Store
You can customize the extension from setting options.
You can perform actions the following.
- Copy the title and URL
- Copy the title
- Copy the URL
- Copy the format (Example: Markdown, Hyperlink, etc)
You can perform actions on the following tabs.
- Current tab
- Multiple selected tabs
- Current window tabs
- All tabs
You can perform actions from the following operations.
- Browser action (popup, click)
- Context menu (all, page, browser action, tab)
- Keyboard shortcut
You can perform actions in combination with the following functions.
- Decode the URL
- Decode the Punycode
You can customize the extension by changing the extension settings from the Options page.
Please refer to following URL for details on options.