Graphsaros is an open source data analysis tool for opening and viewing datafiles created by QCoDes/QtLab/Labber.
It allows user to do transformations on the data sets, export to matrix format, take arbitrary line traces, apply corrections, etc.
- Requirements
- Installation
- Usage
- Contributing
- Python 3.6+
- PyQt5
- pyqtgraph
- NumPy
- SciPy
- pandas
- h5py
- pywin32
- pillow
- opencv-python
- Labber API (Please read "Meeting the requirements")
Go to python homepage and download the latest version of python. Install the downloaded file.
After installing python start command prompt and install the rest of the packages (all but the last one can be installed
by using pip (example: pip install pyqt5
, wait until it finishes and the run, pip install numpy
, ...))
To enable the Labber API please follow the instructions on the following link.
All of the methods bellow assume that you have installed python and packages mentioned in the Requirements section.
I would recommend obtaining the program using this method because it makes updating the program much easier then other methods.
- Download and install Git Bash.
- Open Git Bash, and navigate to the destination where you wish to copy the project. (use cd command).
- Go to the project repository and click the green "Clone or download" button. Copy displayed link.
- In Git Bash type the following command:
git clone
. (where the example link is replaced with the link copied in step 3)
- Go to the project repository and click the green "Clone or download" button. Click download as ZIP.
- Extract the compressed file to a desired location.
- Pick up your phone
- Look trough your contacts until you find a person that might know how to do this
- Dial friends number and ask for a favor
- If the program is not installed within next 30 minutes, go back to step 1
Go to the location where the program has been cloned and double click If all the requirements have been installed properly the program should start. You are now ready to use Graphsaros.
Click the "OPEN" button and find the file you want to open. After selecting the file, if the file was created as a result of running a measurement in QCoDeS / QtLab / Labber, the file will be loaded into the table on the top of the window. Select the desired measurement and click "PLOT". Your file will be opened and ploted in a window appropriate for plotting such files (2D or 3D measurement).
Use the tools from toolbars to analyze the shit out of your data !
Do pull requests, send me emails, do whatever. It's fine, don't worry about it.