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The Linx library is licensed under Apache-2.0.


Build Kokkos:

cd <kokkos_clone_dir>
git clone

mkdir <kokkos_build_dir>
cd <kokkos_build_dir>
cmake <kokkos_clone_dir>/kokkos -DCMAKE_CXX_STANDARD=20 -DCMAKE_CXX_COMPILER=<kokkos_clone_dir>/bin/nvcc_wrapper -DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX=<kokkos_install_dir> -DKokkos_ENABLE_SERIAL=ON [-DKokkos_ENABLE_OPENMP=ON] [-DKokkos_ENABLE_CUDA=ON -DKokkos_ENABLE_CUDA_CONSTEXPR=ON]
make install

Build the Linx library and tests:

mkdir build
cd build
cmake .. -DCMAKE_PREFIX_PATH=<kokkos_install_dir>
make test

Design concepts

Data containers

There are two main data containers: Sequence for 1D data, and Image for ND data. Underlying storage is handled by Kokkos by default, and adapts to the target infrastructure. There is no ordering or contiguity guaratee. In return, execution is automatically parallelized by Kokkos, including on GPU.

In addition, for interfacing with libraries which require contiguity, Raster is a row-major ordered alternative to Image allocated on the host. It is a standard range (providing begin() and end()) which eases interfacing with the standard library. Image and Raster are also compatible with std::mdspan.

Data containers have shared pointer semantics, so that copy is shallow by default. Deep copy has to be explicit:

auto a = Linx::Image(...);
auto b = a;
b *= 2; // Modifies a and b
auto c = +a; // Copies
c *= 2; // Modifies c only

Pointwise transforms

Data containers offer a variety of pointwise transforms which can either modify the data in-place or return new instances or values. In-place transforms are methods, such as Image::exp(), while new-instance transforms are free functions, such as exp(const Image&):

auto a = Linx::Image(...);
a.pow(2); // Modifies a in-place
auto a2 = Linx::pow(a, 2); // Creates new instance
auto norm2 = Linx::norm<2>(a); // Returns a value

Arbitrarily complex functions can also be applied pointwise with apply() or generate():

auto a = Linx::Image(...);
auto b = Linx::Image(...);
    "random noise",
    "logistic function",
    KOKKOS_LAMBDA(auto a_i) { return 1. / (1. + std::exp(-a_i)); });

Both methods accept auxiliary data containers as function parameters:

auto a = Linx::Image(...);
auto b = Linx::Image(...);
auto c = Linx::Image(...);
    "geometric mean",
    KOKKOS_LAMBDA(auto b_i, auto c_i) { return std::sqrt(b_i * c_i); },
    b, c);

Global transforms

Global transforms such as Fourier transforms and convolutions are also supported.

auto input = Linx::Image(...);
auto kernel = Linx::Image(...);
auto filtered = Linx::Correlation(kernel)(input); // Creates a new instance
auto output = Linx::Image(...);
Linx::Correlation(kernel).transform(input, output); // Fills output

Regional transforms

There are two ways to work on subsets of elements:

  • by slicing some data classes with slice(), which return a view of type Sequence or Image depending on the input type;
  • by associating a Region to a data class with patch(), which results in an object of type Patch.

Slices are created from regions of type either Slice or Box.

Patches accept any type of region, are extremely lightweight and can be moved around when the region is a Window, i.e. has shifting capabilities. Typical windows are Box, Mask or Path and can be used to apply filters. As opposed to slicing, patching results in an object of type Patch instead of simply Sequence or Image. Nevertheless, patches are themselves data containers and can be transformed pointwise:

auto image = Linx::Image(...):
auto region = Linx::Box(...);
auto patch = Linx::Patch(image, region);
patch.exp(); // Modifies image elements inside region


Transforms can be combined through a so-called pipeline, using the pipe operator | à-la Unix. Logging and timing tools can be plugged into the pipeline.

namespace P = Linx::Pipeline;

auto timer = Linx::TimerLogger();

auto [out] = P::Run("Calibration", timer) // Start a pipeline with embedded timer
    | P::InputFile(darks_path, flats_path) // Read two images
    | P::Batch(Linx::Along<-1>(Linx::Mean())) // Average along the last axis
    | P::OutputFile(mdark_path, mflat_path) // Save intermediate images
    | P::InputFile(light_path) // Read another image
    | P::Apply([](auto l, auto d, auto f) { return (l - d) / f; }) // Apply some pixelwise function
    | P::OutputFile(calibrated_path) // Save calibrated image
    | Linx::Deconvolve(psf); // Filter

While running this pipeline, logs are produced, which include the elapsed time of each step. A typical output could be:

Pipeline | Task | Split (ms) | Total (ms)
--- | --- | --- | ---
Calibration | InputFile | 1 | 1
Calibration | Mean | 3 | 4
Calibration | OutputFile | 1 | 5


Most data classes and services are labeled for logging or debugging purposes, thanks to some std::string parameter. As demonstrated in the snippets above, this also helps documenting the code, which is why the parameter is purposedly mandatory most of the time.

When possible, labelling is automated, typically when calling simple functions:

auto a = Linx::Image("a", ...);
auto b = Linx::sin(a);
assert(b.label() == "sin(a)");

auto k = Linx::Image("kernel", ...);
assert(Linx::Convolution(k).label() == "Convolution(kernel)");


The following libraries offer features similar to Linx. Linx aims at being simpler, less verbose, more extensible, and natively GPU-compatible although with a more limited feature set.

  • Armadillo
  • Blitz++
  • Boost.MultiArray
  • CImg
  • Eigen
  • ITK, SimpleITK
  • ndarray
  • OpenCV
  • STL's valarray
  • XTensor

Here is a quick comparison of ITK, CImg, Linx and NumPy/SciKit for the following use case: read an image, dilate it with an L2-ball structuring element, and write the output.


using T = unsigned char;
static constexpr unsigned int N = 2;
using Image = itk::Image<T, N>;

auto raw = itk::ReadImage<ImageType>(input);

using StructuringElement = itk::FlatStructuringElement<N>;
StructuringElement::RadiusType strelRadius;
StructuringElementType ball = StructuringElement::Ball(strelRadius);
using GrayscaleDilateImageFilter = itk::GrayscaleDilateImageFilter<Image, Image, StructuringElement>;
GrayscaleDilateImageFilter::Pointer dilateFilter = GrayscaleDilateImageFilter::New();

itk::WriteImage(dilateFilter->GetOutput(), output);

CImg (limited to N <= 3)

using T = unsigned char;

auto raw = cimg::CImg<T>().load(input);

cimg::CImg<bool> ball(2 * radius + 1, 2 * radius + 1, 2 * radius + 1, 1, false);
bool color[1] = {true};
ball.draw_circle(radius, radius, radius, color);
auto dilated = raw.get_dilate(ball, 0, true);



using T = unsigned char;
static constexpr Linx::Index n = 2;

auto raw = Linx::read<T, n>(input);

auto ball = Linx::Mask<n>::ball<2>(radius);
auto dilated = Linx::Dilation(ball) * raw;

Linx::write(dilated, output);

or, using the pipelining API:

namespace P = Linx::Pipeline;

auto ball = Linx::Mask<n>::ball<2>(radius);
P::Run() | P::InputFile<T, n>(input) | Linx::Dilation(ball) | P::OutputFile(output);


raw = np.load(input)

ball = skimage.morphology.disk(radius)
dilated = skimage.morphology.dilation(raw, ball), dilated)


Cross-platform, extensible ND image laboratory








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