Domain Driven Design is a method that focuses on understanding business logic in the software development process and reflecting it on the design, and it generally focuses on a specific area of the business (domain). This project includes an example project in which the rules of Domain Driven Design are tried to be applied.
- There are 5 layers: API, Application, Contracts, Domain and Infrastructure.
- Database operations were carried out in the Persistence folder within the Infrastructure layer.
- cqrs, event, jwt, healt check, log etc. has multiple records.
- The project was developed using MsSql.
Enter the terminal.
To clone the project
git clone
You need to change the information in the .json file in the API layer according to your needs.
You need to enter the infrastructure layer, create migrations and then save them.
dotnet ef migrations add "your_migration_name"
dotnet ef database update
Enter the API layer and then launch the project
dotnet run