With an ability to view and share transaction logs of expenses made with the employer, which we tested based on SEB’s API, our app allows you in addition to instant sharing your expenses information to the employer, simultaneously trigger the refund transaction, which covers your expenses. It makes you happier due to receiving your personal earlier and decreasing the headache for accountants within you firm.
Project was developed during Garage48 Open Banking hackaton.
Additional files:
- Flask with Python 3 (backend)
- Jinja2 (frontend)
- PostgreSQL (database)
- Semantic UI (styles)
- Heroku (server)
User account
Email: test@test.com
Password: test123
Company account
Email: company@test.com
Password: test123
Set your environment variables in config.env
cp config.env.example config.env
Also, you need to create a new APP_KEY and update corresponding env variable APP_KEY.
Additionally, FLASK_CONFIG
env. variable can be changed to development
, production
, default
, heroku
, unix
, or testing
Install the dependencies
pip install -r requirements.txt
Create database, seeding fake data
python manage.py setup_dev
Run the app
python manage.py runserver
Documentation for the starter-pack we used is available at http://hack4impact.github.io/flask-base.