Replaced by ember-cli/rails projects:
Crambear is a flash cards app written in Rails and EmberJs. Its aim is to provide a non-trivial example of an actual Ember.js app. And by non-trivial I mean something will more than just 1 or 2 models and which does something besides just CRUD. The Ember client is written in Coffeescript and uses Emblem.js templates.
- Card Sets: create, update, delete (implemented)
- Cards: create, edit, delete (implemented)
- Labels for Card Sets and Cards: you can add to sets - next step is ability to label cards
- Authentication with Devise: implemented
Currently running on Ember.js 1.0 RC3
To run the app:
(clone or fork the project)
$ bundle install
$ bundle exec rake db:create
$ bundle exec rake db:migrate
$ bundle exec rake db:seed
$ rails server
The basic data model is:
has many card_sets
belongs to user
has many cards
has many labels
belongs to card_set
has and belongs to many labels
belongs to card_set
has and belongs to many cards
- When create a new card set, how do you transition there immediately?
- Can't seem to get reference to card when trying to add card to commit in App.CardsTableRowController enterEditMode() welcomed!
The official guides:
Definitely worthwhile, though found it easier to watch it at 2X speed as recitation a tad slow
I found both of the following demos helpful (and new ones appearing all the time):
Think HTML/Handlebars too verbose? Alex Matchneer is developing a Slim-like templating solution:
###License Copyright 2013 Michael Madrid under the MIT License