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Lace - dotfile management

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Logging in to different machines at work or at home I just wanted to have an elegant solution to install .dotfiles on them. Lace provides. Also I wanted something that makes it real easy to bootstrap a new maschine, even if they are differently flavored. Lace provides. Updating these should be a breeze. Lace provides. And I hoped for something that lets you share common .dotfiles with your teammates by just installing them next to your own dotfiles. Lace provides. Lace is inspired by brew.

lace <cmd> <pkg-uri/name> [--name=<name>] [--version] [--no-hooks] [--force]


Lace comes as a gem, so given you have ruby installed simply do the following

> gem install lace
> git clone
> cd lace
> gem build lace.gemspec
> gem install lace-*.gem


Writing a .lace.yml

Put a file named .lace.yml in the root of your dotfiles. This file describes how your dotfiles will be installed and what is included in them. Example:

homepage: https://somewhere
version: 1.0

osx: &osx            # using a name for a config
  config_files:      # all files that should appear in $HOME 
    - bash           # bash will become .bash can be directory or file
    - config/**/*    # globbing is supported this will only link files that are not present in $HOME/config yet
    - tmux.conf
    - vimrc
  setup:             # this is run the first time the package is installed
    - <%= @package_path/"bootstrap/osx/brew" %>
    - <%= @package_path/"bootstrap/osx/defaults" %>
    - <%= @package_path/"bootstrap/osx/fonts" %>

    update:          # do this after `lace update`
      - *vim_bundles

flavors:             # manage multiple flavors of dotfiles
  osx: *osx 
  ubuntu-desktop: *ubuntu-desktop

For a full example visit

Installing a Package

Its possible to install a Package either locally via the files system or by specifying a remote git repo, local git repos also work.

# install something from disk
> lace fetch somewhere/mydofiles
> lace setup mydofiles
# or from github
> lace fetch
> lace setup user <flavor>
# also works if the exact path is not present on disk
> lace fetch user/repo.git # or
> lace fetch user/repo
# or name it the way you like
> lace fetch --name=prod
> lace setup prod <flavor>
# for some config files to take effect it may be required to reload your current terminal session

Playing around with a non intrusive example package

Most likely you dont want to override your existing config files just to get a feeling on how lace behaves. Therefore I prepared an example package for you to just install and play around with.

> lace fetch
> lace setup lace_example_dotfile_pkg
Example usage:
    lace <cmd> <pkg-uri/name> [<flavor>] [--name=<name>] [--version] [--no-hooks] [--force]

  lace ls

  lace fetch <pkg-uri>
  lace fetch <pkg-uri>

  lace setup <pkg-uri>
  lace setup <pkg-uri> <flavor>

  lace activate <pkg-name>
  lace activate <pkg-name> <flavor>

  lace deactivate <pkg-name>
  lace deactivate <pkg-name> <flavor>

  lace remove <pkg-name>
  lace update <pkg-name>

  lace help
  lace info <pkg-name>
  lace validate <local-directory>

Learning how to make your own package

A good staring point is to look at the output of lace inspect. Given you have installed the lace_example_dotfile_pkg you can run the following command:

> lace inspect lace_example_dotfile_pkg
Inspection of lace_example_dotfile_pkg:
  active:      true
  flavors:     osx, linux, production
  version:     0.1
  upgradeable: true
  manifest:    ~/.cassias/lace_example_dotfile_pkg/.lace.yml

Than just take a look at the .lace.yml to learn some more and eventually make your own package.

Validating your own package

When packaging your lace-package you may want to validate your .lace.yml to do that just run the following and study the output to improve your package

> lace validate somewhere/on/mydisk
Lace-Manifest Validation Report:
  config-files:                                              [ error ]
    # arkrc is missing from this package
  version:                                                   [ missing ]
    # adding a version to the manifest improves
    # a future update experince
  homepage:                                                  [ missing ]
    # adding a homepage improves the credibility
    # of your package
  setup:                                                     [ error ]
    # ~/.vim/install_bundles cannot be found
    # ~/.bootstrap/osx/brew cannot be found
    # ~/.bootstrap/osx/defaults cannot be found
    # ~/.bootstrap/osx/fonts cannot be found
  post-update hook:                                          [ error ]
    # ~/.vim/install_bundles cannot be found
    # ~/.bootstrap/osx/brew cannot be found

NOTE lace validate only works with local directories

Contributing Code

If you want to contribute code, please try to:

  • Follow the same coding style as used in the project. Pay attention to the usage of tabs, spaces, newlines and brackets. Try to copy the aesthetics the best you can.
  • Add a scenario under features that verifies your change (test with rake features). Look at the existing test suite to get an idea for the kind of tests I like. If you do not provide a test, explain why.
  • Write good commit messages, explain what your patch does, and why it is needed.
  • Keep it simple: Any patch that changes a lot of code or is difficult to understand should be discussed before you put in the effort.

Once you have tried the above, create a GitHub pull request to notify me of your changes.


  • add mothership communication which notifies you about changes in the different environments
  • description in lace ls
  • provide name in package it's self
  • Update without having to deactivate
    • figure out which is the active flavor
      • the one with smallest delta of matching to non matching config_files
    • build the diff between the old and new config
    • only link the diff
  • Track events with PStore ?
  • define a pkg.lace where i can define multiple pkgs to be fetched and setup
  • Refactor
    • move hooks away from the package itself into the Utils
    • hook invocation
    • validate.rb
    • facts key access


MIT License (MIT)


Thanks to the people creating and maintaining Homebrew. Without their prior work this tool would probably not exist. And if it did it would be in a worse state than it is today.


by Mark Beltran ->


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