Typescript enforced teleBirr API package
Install telebirrts with npm
npm install telebirrts
Install telebirrts with yarn
yarn add telebirrts
To use the TeleBirr API, you first need to create an instance of the Telebirr class, which encapsulates the basic configuration of the API. You can then create an instance of the H5WebPayment class, which represents a payment made using the H5WebPayment method. Finally, you can call the sendRequest method on the H5WebPayment instance to initiate the payment request.
import { Telebirr, H5WebPayment, InAppPayment,IH5webResponse, checkIfSuccess, TeleBirrError, isOfTypeH5webResponse, isOfTypeInAppResponse,IAndroidReturnApp,IIOSReturnApp } from "telebirrts";
import crypto from "crypto"
import express, { Request, Response } from 'express';
const { publicKey, privateKey } = crypto.generateKeyPairSync('rsa', {
modulusLength: 4000, // key length telebirrr is 2048
const telebirr: Telebirr = Telebirr.fromOneValue({
appid: "123456",
appkey: "123456",
publicKey: publicKey.export({ type: 'pkcs1', format: 'pem' }).toString(),
baseUrl: "https://api.telebirr.com",
notifyUrl: "https://www.yourApp.com/notifyUrl",
timeoutExpress: "123456",
receiveName: "kolo",
shortCode: "123456",
const webPayment: H5WebPayment = new H5WebPayment(telebirr, "/returnUrl");
const isoReturnApp: IIOSReturnApp = {
Identifier: "willOpenTelebirrPay",
Schemes: "com.ethio.telebirr"
const andoridReturnApp: IAndroidReturnApp = {
Activity: "cn.tydic.ethiopay",
PackageName: "cn.tydic.ethiopay.PayForOtherAppActivity"
const inappPayment: InAppPayment = new InAppPayment(telebirr, isoReturnApp); // or new InAppPayment(telebirr, andoridReturnApp);
nonce: "123456",
outTradeNo: "123456",
subject: "Api",
totalAmount: "100.0",
nonce: "654321",
outTradeNo: "654321",
subject: "Api2",
totalAmount: "1000.0",
async function pay() {
try {
// const res = await inappPayment.sendRequest(); OR
const res = await webPayment.sendRequest();
console.log("res: ", res);
} catch (error) {
const app = express();
app.post(telebirr.requestReq.notifyUrl, (req: Request, res: Response) => {
const teleNotifyResponse: any = req.body;
if (checkIfSuccess(teleNotifyResponse)) {
if (isOfTypeH5webResponse(teleNotifyResponse)) {
console.log("success toPayUrl: ", teleNotifyResponse.data.toPayUrl)
res.json({ message: "success", toPayUrl: teleNotifyResponse.data.toPayUrl })
else if (isOfTypeInAppResponse(teleNotifyResponse)) {
console.log("success toPayMsg: ", teleNotifyResponse.data.toPayMsg)
res.json({ message: "success", toPayMsg: teleNotifyResponse.data.toPayMsg })
} else {
throw new TeleBirrError("Unknown object", "-1");
else {
throw new TeleBirrError(teleNotifyResponse.message, teleNotifyResponse.code);
In this example, we first create an instance of the Telebirr class, passing in the basic configuration options for the API. We then create an instance of the H5WebPayment class, passing in the Telebirr instance and the URL of the page to redirect the user to after the payment is completed.
We then add a transaction using the addTransaction method on the H5WebPayment instance. Finally, we call the sendRequest method on the H5WebPayment instance to initiate the payment request.
- H5WebPayment
- InAppPayment
- fully typed god bless typescript🤩❤️❤️
Learned Design Patterns, this libraries mostly inspired/made up of strategy and decorator pattern
As you may or may not noticed it's UNtested ie. didn't have access to credentials any issues would be appreciated If you have any suggestions or find any issues with the API, please open an issue on the GitHub repository 😻
Contributions are welcome! 🤩✌️✌️