This is revived OGame v 0.84 with old design.
!!! All trademarks and copyrighted materials are belongs to OGame respective owners - Gameforge 4D GmbH !!!
Thank you for the great game, but redesign is not we like
Currently only Russian, English and Deutch languages are supported. Other language packs can be submitted by volunteers. The game engine is multilingual.
- Original game mechanics!
- Well tested fast battle engine with fair rapidfire, written on C language (there is also a backup in PHP)
- Improved admin tool
- Integrated Galaxy-tool
- CRON-less event queue (but there is the option of using CRON in addition if you want to)
- Multi-language support
- Planet temperature, planet images and sizes are same as in original game
- 100% match on resource costs and production timings
- Original home planet distribution algorithm and spy protection
- Fixed some original game bugs ("buggy" 10th planets, recalled ACS delay, buggy fleet return activity etc)
- Free Commander to all!
- Original expedition with triple Dark Matter chance
- Open-source! With comments on russian =)
- Hard to install :) (should be more simple soon)
- In-game bots
- And many, many more!
This is non commercial project, all Premium functions of original OGame (Dark Matter, Officeers and Trader) are free.
All copyrighted material is proprietary Gameforge stuff. We do not make money on it! We just have fun =)
The game is almost done. TODO list:
- Improve admin tool
- Improve bots AI
- Complete game localization (De, En)
Credits go to Alexander Rösner (Legor) for such revolutionary breakthrough in browser games. He was not first, but he was the one, who was successful. To pay respect, we still have Legor's account, sitting on its own planet Arakis at [1:1:2] =)