AlgoSolve - online service to learning algorithms and data structures. You can make conversation with outher users.
Project writed as Multi Page Application(MPA) and Single Page Application in the same time.
Service have backend part based on powerful django web framework and uses many django tags for create modyfied code
FrontEnd in MPA maked with bootstrap packages on django and have many modification(CSS, HTML, JS)
For making dynamic front end part in Chapter "RoadMap" used techonology saving templates without addding his in template folder.
Project have many images and works with pillow
Based on DRF project have:
Custom: Permissions, Throttles, Pagination, CRUD operations, Routers, Scopes
djoser and djangorestframework-simplejw:
Making JWT authorization and CRUD opetaions with users, authorizations/authentications
Performed methods to work with HTTP queryes, status and more
Used for creation dynamic documentation on Swagger/OpenAPI shemas. Swagger Redoc
Also Rest Framework API tested on UnitTests and PyTests / pytest-django
graphene and graphene-django:
Project have graphql api part and documentation on graphiql
Service use Django ORM(Object Relational Mapping) and optimized database queries.
Ddt used for looking sql queries and optimization code in many places