Rapg is a password manager that allows you to generate and manage strong passwords. It stands for Random Password Generator. We think of it as being inspired by gopass.
git clone https://github.com/kanywst/rapg
cd rapg/cmd/rapg
go build .
mv rapg /usr/local/bin
Simply, rapg can be run with:
$ rapg -h +[master]
Rapg - rapg is a tool for generating and managing random, strong passwords.
rapg [global options] command [command options] [arguments...]
add add password
init initialize
show, s show password
list list password
remove, rm remove password
help, h Shows a list of commands or help for one command
--len value, -l value password length (default: 24)
--help, -h show help
You can generate a password of length 100:
rapg -l 100
This is the first command you have to run:
rapg init
Add a password for the user test on twitter.com:
rapg add twitter.com/test
A password will be generated.
You can also generate and store a password of a specific length.
rapg add twitter.com/test -l 100
Remove a password for the user test on twitter.com:
rapg remove twitter.com/test
rapg list
rapg show twitter.com/test
The password will be displayed.
rapg released under MIT. See LICENSE for more details.