This is the second part of the Semester 2 project at Fontys University of Applied Science. The main idea is a website where tthe employees can login with their credentials from another application adn be able to view/edit information about their shifts, payslips, profile information, etc. Of course, there are social features like events and birthdays, statistics, pdf generation, etc.
A huge part of the project was meeting with the client and extracting the requirements for the system from them. I personally also had to coordinate the team (acting as a team leader and coordinator) and review all the MRs we made, giving feedback to my teammates while striving to follow all code conventions. We also delivered extensive documentation (URS, test cases, project plan, process report)
The project was assessed at every stage with the highest grade possible - O(outstanding).
The team consisted of Ahmed Al Harthy, Evgeniy Terziev, Georgi Minchev and Karina Kozarova
Medhat Riad acted as our mentor
The client was represented by Georgiana Manolache
For more information, you can check out the slides that are in this repo or contact @karinakozarova.