Demos related to OpenGL, Qt/QML, OpenCV and other X technologies.
Demo | Description | Screenshot |
cvDisplacementMapFilter | Displacement Map Filter implementation in C++/OpenCV that renders two images as a movie clip. | |
cvFruitClassification | C++/OpenCV port of a cool Python application that performs Oranges vs Apples classification using LDA. | |
cvQtImage | C++/OpenCV/Qt example that displays an image and the RGB values of a pixel based on mouse coordinates. | |
cvQtCameraGL | An interesting demo that shows how to use C++/OpenCV to retrieve frames from the camera and draw them with Qt QGLWidget for GPU rendering (OpenGL). |
cvQtVideo | Another C++/OpenCV/Qt example on how to display video files with configurable Aspect Ratio. | |
cvWatershedSegmentation | Stackoverflow answer that uses C++/OpenCV's watershed segmentation with distance transform to segment beans. | |
ipcQtGesture | C++/Qt application that uses the old Intel® Perceptual Computing SDK 2013 for gesture recognition. Windows only. | No image available |
qml2DRaycasting | QML implementation of 2D raycasting. | |
qml2DRaycastingEngine | QML implementation of a 2D raycasting engine. | |
qml2DQuadTree | QML implementation and visualization of the data structure Quadtree that offers operations to insert new points and search them within a rectangular area. | |
qml3DTerrain | Qt3D/QML implementation of dynamic terrain generation based on Perlin noise. | |
qml3DWater | Qt3D/QML implementation of water reflection/refraction with Fresnel effect. | |
qmlBattery | A Qt/QML element that displays the amount of energy left in a Battery as horizontal bars according to the charge. For demonstration purposes, the charge value is set dynamically and randomly from the C++ side. | |
qt3DRenderer | A complete 3D Graphics Renderer that demonstrates how to load simple meshes from Wavefront files (with texture) and performs all the required transformations to project them on a 2D color buffer that is copied into a QImage object to be displayed with Qt. |
qtArduinoSerial | A simple C++/Qt example on how to print data from a serial (COM) port connected to Arduino. | No image available |
qtFPSvsTIMEAnimation | Super educational C++/Qt implementation of FPS-based and Time-based animation techniques, as explained by Steven Lambert. | |
qtGLMdemo | A customized QGLWidget that loads a 3D model from the disk using Nate Robins GLM library and renders it using native OpenGL calls. |
qtKinectVideo | C++/Qt application based on Color Basics from Kinect for Windows SDK 1.8. This demo displays the Color Stream of the camera. | No image available |
qtLinearRegressionGD | C++/Qt/Eigen implementation of Linear Regression based on Daniel Shiffman's tutorials. Data is plotted with Madplotlib (Qt required). | |
qtLogoBlurGL | A silly C++/Qt/OpenGL demo that renders a logo on a texture and displays a glow around it. | |
qtSmoothColorTransition | A C++/Qt application that takes a grayscale image and performs a smooth color transition using a predefined color palette based on linear interpolation. |