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Aioreq is a Python asynchronous HTTP client library. It is built on top of TCP sockets and implements the HTTP protocol entirely on his own.


Click here


From pypi

$ pip install aioreq

From GitHub

$ git clone
$ pip install ./aioreq

Aioreq can be used as a Python library or as a command-line tool to make HTTP requests.

Basic Usage


>>> import aioreq
>>> response = aioreq.get("")
>>> response.status
>>> content_type = response.headers["content-type"] # Case insensitive
>>> response.content
b'Hello World'

or in async context

>>> import asyncio
>>> async def main():
...     async with aioreq.Client() as client:
...         response = await client.get("")
...         return response
<Response 200 OK>


Aioreq cli tools are very similar to curl, so if you've used curl before, you should have no trouble.

$ aioreq
Hello World

When performing HTTP requests, there are a few options available.

  • --method -X Specify HTTP method
  • --verbose -v Show HTTP request headers
  • --include -i Include HTTP response headers
  • --output -o Output file
  • --headers -H Send custom headers
  • --data -d HTTP POST data
  • --user-agent -A Set User-Agent header

Here are some examples of requests.

$ aioreq 
$ aioreq -d "Bob" -X POST
User Bob was created!
$ aioreq -o /dev/null

$ aioreq -v -H "custom-header: custom-value" \
                                             "second-header: second-value"
========REQUEST HEADERS========
user-agent: python/aioreq
accept: */*
custom-header: custom-value
second-header: second-value
accept-encoding:  gzip; q=1, deflate; q=1


Aioreq now supports 'middleware' power.

The first steps with middleware

Aioreq provides default middlewares to each client. We can see that middlewares by importing 'default_middlewares' variable.

>>> import aioreq
>>> aioreq.middlewares.default_middlewares
('RetryMiddleWare', 'RedirectMiddleWare', 'CookiesMiddleWare', 'DecodeMiddleWare', 'AuthenticationMiddleWare')

The first item on this list represents the first middleware that should handle our request (i.e. the closest middleware to our client), while the last index represents the closest middleware to the server.

We can pass our modified middlewares tuple to the Client to override the default middlewares.

>>> client = aioreq.Client(middlewares=aioreq.middlewares.default_middlewares[2:])

This client will no longer redirect or retry responses.

Also, because aioreq stores middlewares in Client objects as linked lists, we can simply change the head of that linked list to skip the first middleware.

>>> client = aioreq.Client()
>>> client.middlewares.__class__.__name__
>>> client.middlewares = client.middlewares.next_middleware
>>> client.middlewares.__class__.__name__
>>> client.middlewares = client.middlewares.next_middleware
>>> client.middlewares.__class__.__name__


>>> client = aioreq.Client()
>>> client.middlewares = client.middlewares.next_middleware.next_middleware
>>> # alternative for client = aioreq.Client(middlewares=aioreq.middlewares.default_middlewares[2:])

Create your own middlewares!

All 'aioreq' middlewares must be subclasses of the class middlewares.MiddleWare

MiddleWare below would add 'test-md' header if request domain is

>>> import aioreq
>>> class CustomMiddleWare(aioreq.middlewares.MiddleWare):
...     async def process(self, request, client):
...         if == '':
...             request.headers['test_md'] = 'test'
...         return await self.next_middleware.process(request, client)
>>> client = aioreq.Client()
>>> client.middlewares = CustomMiddleWare(next_middleware=client.middlewares)

Our CustomMiddleWare will now be the first middleware (i.e. closest to the client). Because 'aioreq' middlewares are stored as linked lists, this pattern works (i.e. same as linked list insert method).

Alternatively, we can alter the list of middlewares that the client receives.

>>> client = aioreq.Client(middlewares = (CustomMiddleWare, ) + aioreq.middlewares.default_middlewares)
>>> client.middlewares.__class__.__name__


Aioreq supports three attributes related to this topic.

  • check_hostname Checks whether the peer cert hostname matches the server domain.
  • verify_mode Specifies whether the server certificate must be verified.
  • keylog_filename File location for dumping private keys

You can also set the environment variable SSLKEYLOGFILE instead of specifying keylog_filename.

You can use a tool like wireshark to decrypt your HTTPS traffic if you have a file with the private keys.


$ export SSLKEYLOGFILE=logs

Then just run aioreq.

$ aioreq
$ ls -l
total 8
-rw-r--r-- 1 user user 406 Dec  5 17:19 logs

Now, the 'logs' file contains keylogs that can be used to decrypt your TLS/SSL traffic with a tool such as 'wireshark'.

Here are a few examples of how to manage the SSL context for your requests.

import aioreq
dont_verify_cert = aioreq.get("", verify_mode=False)
verify_and_dump_logs = aioreq.get("", verify_mode=True, keylog_filename="logs")
default_configs = aioreq.get("", verify_mode=True, check_hostname=True)


If the auth parameter is included in the request, Aioreq will handle authentication.

There are two types of authorization that aioreq can handle.

  • Digest Authorization
  • Basic Authorization

If the incoming response status code is 401 and the header contains www-authorization, aioreq will attempt each of the schemes until authorization is complete.

>>> import aioreq
>>> import asyncio
>>> async def send_req():
...     async with aioreq.Client() as cl:
...         return await cl.get('', auth=('foo', 'bar'))

Parameter auth should be a tuple with two elements: login and password.

Authentication is enabled by AuthenticationMiddleWare, so exercise caution when managing middlewares manually.


In this benchmarks, we compare aioreq and httpx during 999 asynchronous requests, without caching

You can run these tests on your local machine; the directory `aioreq/benchmarks
contains all of the required modules.

$ cd benchmarks
$ ./run_tests
aioreq benchmark
Total time: 2.99
httpx benchmark
Total time: 7.60

Supported Features

Aioreq support basic features to work with HTTP/1.1.
More functionality will be available in future releases.
This is the latest version features.